Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Feebas - The Legend of Pokemon in my GBA

Hello all, buat ff HM yg blom selesai, gua sbg Author mohon maaf. Soalnya kehambat UTS. hehe.

Buat Posting yg satu ini, adalah kekesalan gua sma 1 spesies pokemon yg namanya udah ada dijudul posting, soalnya ini satu2 nya pokemon yg paling susah didapetin, dri beberapa legend yg ada di emerald, waw..
penasaran (pasti enggak) liat biografinya dulu deh:

Finding Feebas

Feebas is an elusive find along Route 119. Instead of fishing in any location as customary with most Pokémon, Feebas is located in only six water blocks along the route. There is no easy method to determine which block contains Feebas, as the only way is to drop a line into each and every water block on the route. Once hooked, however, Feebas is an easy catch.

Udah? nah pas gua coba di gameboy, ternyata gak ada hasil. 3 jam nyari dgn susah payah, fyuhh.

Dan akhirnya gua nyerah dgn keyakinan gua ngelengkapin PokeDex. zzzzz

Dah ye all, itu dulu aja. maaf klo gak jelas. Bye --


>> Pokemon jelek paling langka sedunia

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