Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Konsep Bahagia

Konsep bahagia tiap orang itu berbeda, ada yang baru merasakan bahagia kalau ada di bawah sorotan, dipuja puja, dielukan, ada yang bahagia saat punya uang banyak, ada yang bahagia setelah barang yang mau dibeli akhirnya kebeli juga.. Kebahagian saya simpel, ketika bisa membuat orang disekitar saya senyum.. Kadang harus ngalah, harus mundur beberapa langkah supaya saat berada dibawah sorotan, bayangan yang tercipta tidak terlalu besar dan nutupin yang dibelakang.. Satu hal yang paling saya ingat adalah kalimat "bahagia itu mensyukuri nikmat dan menikmati syukur". Saya punya teman penggerutu, sedih lihatnya, sepertinya semua yang dia dapat tidak bisa membuat dia puas, dia terus dan terus dan terus menggerutu sampai lupa apa saja yang sudah dia dapat dan dia dapat dari mana, sedih tapi senang, karena disitu saya selalu diingatkan untuk bahagia, untuk lebih berhati besar dan ingat semua ini dapet darimana.. Dan tidak sedetikpun saya ragu untuk menaruh kebahagiaan itu kembali ketempat yang membuat saya bahagia.. Ingat, semua akan kembali ke tanah. Ingat, setinggi apa kamu meloncat, gravitasi akan selalu menang. Kebahagiaan itu bukan saat ada diatas langit, tapi ditanah dimana kamu berasal. Pergilah mencari kebahagiaan dan bawa kebahagiaan itu pulang. Orang yang bersyukur adalah orang yang selalu ingat jalan pulang. Always remember where you came from. And always remember that happiness is like a bag of weed, you have to share it with your friends.

Kebahagiaan tidak ada tanggal kadaluarsanya, tapi, tanggal produksinya harus ditetapkan sendiri, lalu distribusikanlah.

Filosofi Sebuah Nama

Nama gue deny, gue pemilik blog ini..

atau mungkin bisa dibilang orang yang nekad untuk membuat sebuah laman curhatan ini.

mungkin semua readers blog ini gak tau identitas gue yang sebenarnya (ya emang gue gak pernah nulis ini kali ya..). Ok, bisa kita mulai dari filosofi nama. arti nama gue yang sebenarnya adalah "seorang lelaki yang membuat perubahan besar". dari arti nama ini gue termotivasi untuk membuat perubahan, bahkan perubahan kecil sekalipun.

ok, time to go. i wanna travel another dimension. i wanna discover the truth.

deny saputra, penjelajah dimensi.
Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


yureta genjitsukan nakushita mama de
gareki no you ni tsumi kasanaru kono kanshou wa doko e yuku?

Having lost my shaken sense of reality,
My emotions are piling up like rubble. Where will they go?

tsubueta kibou kakae akai ame wo harai hashitta muchuu ni

Holding on to my crushed dreams, I ran, cutting mindlessly through the
crimson rain

kuzureta kanjou no hate ni nani wo miru? nani ga aru? mada shiranai
hakanai subete no mirai wa tada muon ni me no mae ni hirogari


At the end of my collapsed feelings, what will I see? What will there be? I do not yet know
Without a sound, all our fleeting futures simply unfold before us

kieta hikari to kage saigo no kotoba
nozonda no wa tada ashita dake kono genjitsu wa doko ni aru?

The vanished lights and shadows, the last words.
All I wished for was tomorrow. Where is this reality?

tsubueta ima wo mitsume akai ame no naka wo hashitta mayowazu

Staring at our devastated today, I ran without hesitations in the crimson

kuzureru fuukei wo koete nani wo shiru? nani wo kiku? mou mienai
hakanai hitotsu no mirai wo tada mugon ni me no mae de erabi


Passing through the crumbling landscape, what will I learn? What will I hear? I can no longer see
Without breathing a word, we simply have to continue to choose a single fleeting future


Jenis Jenis Perangkat Lunak

Secara umum Perangkat Lunak dapat terbagi jadi empat jenis, yaitu:
  1. Perangkat Lunak Tulen
    Perangkat Lunak jenis ini memang dari 'sana'-nya lunak. Namun bukan tidak mungkin Perangkat Lunak Tulen berubah menjadi Perangkat Keras, apabila diberi perlakuan yang tepat.
  2. Perangkat Lunak Mantan
    Berbeda dengan Perangkat Lunak Tulen, Perangkat Lunak Mantan adalah sebuah perangkat yang saat ini lunak, namun dulunya bersifat keras. Ada berbagai kemungkinan penyebab mengapa sebuah perangkat yang tadinya keras dapat berubah menjadi lunak, antara lain karena kena air, berubah pikiran akibat kena rayuan, kecapean, sudah selesai menjadi keras, dan lain-lain.
  3. Perangkat Lunak Hibrida
    Perangkat Lunak Hibrida memiliki sifat labil / mudah berubah-ubah, yaitu kadang keras dan kadang lunak sesuai kebutuhan. Penggunaannya harus dengan perhitungan cermat, karena terkadang Perangkat Lunak Hibrida bekerja di luar kemauan pemiliknya (yaitu tiba-tiba mengeras di saat yang kurang tepat, atau justru menjadi lunak di saat dibutuhkan untuk keras)
  4. Perangkat Lunak Perawan
    Perangkat Lunak Perawan adalah perangkat lunak yang sangat lunak dan mahal.Kita tidak boleh menyentuhnya sembarangan karena kalau sembarangan menyentuh perangkat lunak tersebut,kita bisa ditampar sampai bonyok kecuali bayar.Perangkat lunak seperti ini adalah perangkat lunak yang sangat langka,perangkat lunak ini hanya dijual di Dolly saja.
Saat ini pemerintah lebih memperketat aturan tentang perangkat lunak, dimana perangkat lunak harus benar-benar lunak tidak boleh keras, sedang perangkat keras tidak boleh lunak
Kamis, 10 November 2011

Plues Dog Diaries

Sabtu, 05 November 2011





-Arc Gurren-Lagann

-Chouchinga Gurren-Lagann

-Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

Those mecha are definitely awesome!!
Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Who exactly write this stuff?

be your self... kadang" hal itu bener juga ya, mengingat jaman sekarang pasti yg di bilang keren itu" aja. tapi... gis... coba o pikirin, klo semua org sama, gk ada lagi yg namanya cupu and aneh, klo gitu gk bakal ada yg namanya keren, all flat man, mending jadi diri sendiri, jiwa pemberontak sih boleh, asal gk melawan norma arah masyarakat, tapi klo gk ada yg berontak, hidup bakal flat, nah org" yg kya gini yg bikin keren.
Cool. Written by my friend, Geraldo Findean.
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Done with a foundation breaker

Hello bloggy, sorry to left you so cold.
Belakangan ini gw emang lagi bener bener bisa dikatakan sibuk, haha. secara, gw udah SMA, dan SMA gw itu nggak main main loh, yaa walaupun namanya ngga tenar tenar amat. gw skrg sekolah di SMA 12 Jakarta, cassgard. banyak guru guru disana bilang kalo udh masuk sana berarti sama aja kyak masuk kandang macan. pertama, gw masih bener2 gk percaya kalo tugas yg dikasih disini itu berat. lagian KKM nya juga masih rata2; 76. nah, pas nentuin target semesteran gw nulisnya 9 semua. hahaha. dan skrg gw masih bener2 ngga percaya kalo...

gw skrg lg nulis sesuatu yg gk jelas. Dadah.
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011


Minggu, 25 September 2011

Megaman Double Soul

Mega Man Battle Network 5
Team Colonel Souls
Knight Soul
Knight Soul Requires a Breaking chip sacrifice.

  • Non-element
  • Super Armor enabled.
  • Non-dimming Breaking chips can be charged for double damage.
  • MegaMan turns invincible when using any battle chip on his front row. This lasts until he is able to move again.
  • Charge Shot: Royal Wrecking Ball
    • Hits the eight panels surrounding MegaMan, inflicting (10 x Buster rank + 30) Breaking damage, while also confusing all enemies it hits.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Drill
    • Hits the two panels ahead of MegaMan up to five times for 100 Breaking damage each. Enemies which are hit are pushed back, but if they cannot move any further from the drill they continue taking hits.
Shadow Soul
Shadow Soul Requires a Stealth chip sacrifice.

  • Non-element
  • Anti-Damage and Float Shoes enabled. Navicust programs that require B + ← to execute will be overriden by Anti-Damage.
  • Charging a non-dimming Sword chip will cause MegaMan to execute said attack on the nearest enemy from behind.
  • Charge Shot: Long Sword
    • Hits the two panels directly in front of MegaMan, inflicting (5 x Buster rank + 65) damage.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Invisible
    • MegaMan turns black and becomes invincible and uncontrollable, moving about and attacking randomly with Buster shots, any loaded chips and any other Battle chips and Program Advances the player has used.
Tomahawk Soul
Tomahawk Soul Requires a Wood chip sacrifice.

  • Wood element, weak to Fire.
  • Status Guard enabled.
  • Entire stage is converted to Grass Panels when Soul is initiated.
  • MegaMan heals while standing on a Grass Panel.
  • Using a non-dimming Wood chip while on a Grass Panel will double the chip's power, but the Grass Panel dissipates afterwards.
  • Charge Shot: Tomahawk Swing
    • Covers a 2x3 area immediately in front of MegaMan, inflicting (10 x Buster rank + 70) Wood damage.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Lance
    • Hits the enemy back row for 400 Wood damage, pushing all enemies forward.
Number Soul
Number Soul Requires a Plus chip sacrifice.

  • Non-element
  • All non-elemental chips gain 10 attack.
  • Custom Screen capacity is expanded to ten while the Soul is active.
  • Charge Shot: Dice Bomb
    • Throws a Dice Bomb three panels forward. If it does not hit the enemy, it will explode after a short delay, inflicting ((Buster rank x 5 + 5) x die roll result) damage to a 3x3 area around it. If it lands on an enemy, it deals damage only to that enemy as if the roll result was a one.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Plus
    • Adds 50 attack to the next selected chip or Program Advance. This cannot stack with other modifiers used, except for Number Soul's innate +10.
Toad Soul
Toad Soul Requires an Aqua chip sacrifice.

  • Aqua element, weak to Elec.
  • MegaMan is able to hide in Sea Panels, and cannot slip on Ice Panels.
  • Non-dimming Aqua chips can be charged for double damage.
  • All Aqua chips gain 30 attack while MegaMan stands on a Sea Panel.
  • Charge Shot: Homing Note.
    • Homes in on the nearest enemy, inflicting (10 x Buster rank + 20) paralyzing Elec damage.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Wide Shot
    • Fires a Wide Shot that hits everything down the rows it covers for 300 Aqua damage.
Colonel Soul
Colonel Soul Requires an Obstacle chip sacrifice.

  • Non-element
  • Charge Shot can be converted to any non-dimming, non-element Standard chip while the Soul is active.
  • Obstacles on the field convert to soldiers which attack enemies standing behind or to the side of them.
  • Charge Shot: Screen Divide
    • Covers a V-shape formation, dealing (10 x Buster rank + 40) damage. The formation changes depending on position of nearby enemies.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Sound
    • Summons a Trumpy virus that paralyzes all enemies while it plays its music.
Team ProtoMan Souls
Magnet Soul
Megnet Soul Requires an Elec chip sacrifice.

  • Elec element, weak to Wood.
  • Non-dimming Elec chips can be charged for double damage.
  • MegaMan is unaffected by Magnet panels.
  • B + ← will temporarily freeze all enemies in the same row as MegaMan.
  • Charge Shot: Magnet Bolt
    • Drags the nearest enemy in the row to the front of the area. If they are pulled to the panel in front of MegaMan, the attack deals (10 x Buster rank + 30) paralyzing Elec damage.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Thunder
    • Creates a purple lightning ball that slowly travels and homes in on the nearest enemy, inflicting 200 paralyzing Elec damage.
Gyro Soul
Gyro Soul Requires a Wind chip sacrifice.

  • Non-element
  • Air Shoes and Float Shoes enabled.
  • Using a non-dimming Wind chip will make MegaMan's propeller spin, doubling the damage dealt by the next non-dimming Wind or non-element chip used.
  • Charge Shot: Tornado Arm
    • Covers three panels in front of MegaMan, hitting once for the panel directly in front, twice for the panel after that, and thrice for the third. Each hit does (5 x Buster rank + 15) damage.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Tornado
    • Hits the second panel in front of MegaMan eight times for 50 damage each. If the Tornado hits, other tornadoes will appear around the original one.
Napalm Soul
Napalm SOul Requires a Fire chip sacrifice.

  • Fire element, weak to Aqua.
  • MegaMan takes no damage from Lava panels, but suffers a HP drain while standing on Sea Panels.
  • Non-dimming Fire chips gain 40 attack.
  • Standing on a Lava Panel with a Fire chip selected will remove the Lava Panel and give the chip an additional 10 attack.
  • Charging a Fire chip will unleash a Napalm Bomb at the nearest enemy that deals Fire damage equal twice the charged chip's power.
  • Charge Shot: Fire Vulcan
    • Hits down the row and behind the enemy it hits three times for (5x Buster rank + 5) damage.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Meteor
    • Summons a number of meteors that are targeted at enemies which hit for 100 Fire damage. These meteors will also crack and destroy the panels they hit.
Search Soul
Search Soul Requires a Cursor chip sacrifice.

  • Non-element
  • Invisibility will be removed from all enemies once the Soul is initiated.
  • Search Shuffle is available in the Custom Screen, which randomly shuffles all chips in the Custom Screen that are not selected yet. This can be performed up to three times each turn while the Soul is active.
  • Charge Shot: Scope Gun
    • Locks onto the nearest enemy, doing five shots of (2 x Buster rank + 10) damage each. This attack pierces Invisible.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Circle
    • Freezes time, and causes a cursor to quickly circle the enemy area perimeter. Pressing A will stop the cursor and hit the selected panel the next six panels for 300 damage each. Reducing the enemy area will cause this attack to hit multiple times.
Meddy Soul
Meddy Soul Requires a Recovery chip sacrifice.

  • Non-element
  • The last two custom slots are replaced by capsules that can be fused with selected chips to give additional effects:
    • Pink: Recovers HP
    • Black: Blinds
    • White: Paralyzes
    • Yellow: Confuses
    • Purple: Causes a HP bug (Netbattle only)
  • Charge Shot: Capsule Bomb
    • Throws a capsule three squares ahead. If it lands on an unoccupied panel, there is a short delay before it explodes and hits the panels above and below it for (10 x Buster rank + 30) damage. Otherwise it damages only the enemy it lands on.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Recovery
    • Recovers 1000 HP to MegaMan.
Proto Soul
Proto Soul Requires a Sword chip sacrifice

  • Non-element
  • Reflect enabled. Navicust programs that require B + ← to execute will be overriden by Reflect.
  • Non-dimming Sword chips can be charged for double damage. When MegaMan uses chips charged this way, he also jumps two panels forward before using the chip.
  • Reflect enabled.
  • Charge Shot: Wide Sword
    • Hits a 1x3 area immediately in front of MegaMan for (10 x Buster rank + 70) damage.
  • Chaos Soul Charge Shot: Dark Sword
    • Hits a 2x3 area immediately in front of MegaMan for 400 damage.
Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Our generation annual problem

Salam pembaca!

Pertama2 gue mau mengucapkan, "taqobalallahu minna wa minkum, minal aidin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin, semoga semua amalan yang kita lakukan di bulan puasa diterima oleh Allah SWT, amin.."

Dan juga gue mau minta maaf karena selama bulan Ramadhan kemaren tidak mengupdate post, gue janji setelah2 ini akan ada beberapa posting keren yang pastinya bermanfaat buat lo baca.

How your long holiday goin'? Apakah memuaskan kalian? Membuat pikiran kalian lepas dari beban tugas pekerjaan dan pelajaran memuakkan di sekolah? Pribadi, dalam liburan kali ini gue nggak terlalu mendapatkan banyak kesenangan.. dari sekolah gue sendiri banyak sekali THR (tugas hari raya) yang harus dikerjakan. membuat gue agak stress selama liburan kemaren.

Beruntung, dalam liburan kali ini gue mendapatkan kesempatan untuk pergi ke kampung halaman alias mudik.. bertemu dgn beberapa sanak saudara yang selama 4 tahun belakangan tidak gue temui. merasakan kesegaran embun pagi kampung lumayan menghilangkan stress gue. apalagi kalo di Jakarta, perasaan seperti ini sangat langka sekali untuk didapatkan..

Maaf jadi curhat.

Eh tapi.. kebanyakan dari temen2 gue, disaat mereka mendapatkan libur panjang, mereka bingung untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan mereka dgn hal2 yang berguna. itulah kebanyakan dari kita lebih berharap kembali masuk sekolah daripada berlibur. tapi ada juga yang saat waktu liburan mereka akan habis malah berharap untuk menambah waktu liburannya, karena mereka rasa itu masih kurang. Jadi, masalah liburan panjang seperti ini hanya ada pada diri kita masing2, apakah kita bisa menggunakan waktu liburan ini dengan baik atau tidak.
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Doa Ibu

Menurut gue, doa ibu adalah doa yang paling tinggi presentasi dikabulkannya oleh Allah SWT. bahwa karena doa ibu gue lah gue bisa jadi seperti ini, bahkan kalo bukan karena doa ibu juga lah gue bisa jadi yang namanya blogger. sering banget gue denger ustad ustad itu berceramah tentang ibu kita, bahwa kita gak boleh sama sekali melawan atau bahkan durhaka kepadanya.

Secara harfiah, gue mengerti. Secara praktek, gue masih belum yakin apa gue udah nggak ngelakuin itu.

Banyak diantara doa doa ibu yang buat kita menjadi senang atau sengsara. gue sendiri, sudah banyak menerima dampak dari doa ibu gue tsb. contohnya, nggak lama gue satnite pengen gowes, tapi ibu gue ngelarang dan bilang bahwa akan terjadi hal2 yang menyusahkan.. gue nggak mempedulikan itu dan tetap melanjutkan niat gue utk gowes.. dan benar saja, blm setengah jalan tapi gue udah dapet kecelakaan.. yaitu nyusruk ke selokan.


Atau saat gue bilang ke ibu gue pngen ikut seleksi utk kepengurusan OSIS. Ibu gue agak nggak setuju, dgn alasan bahwa gue akan gampang kena penyakit juga nilai2 mapel pasti turun. tapi gue tetep bersikeras dan ngikutin itu seleksi. Alhasil, gue nggak berhasil masuk. Itu juga karena doa ibu gue.

Weird, but awesome.

Dan akhirnya gue dpt kesimpulan bahwa, bener juga apa yg sering dikatakan ustad2 saat ceramah, yaitu jangan ngelawan orang tua khususnya ibumu. dan mulai sekarang gue bertekad untuk melakukan hal yg terbaik, menyenangkan orang tua gue, khususnya Ibu.
Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

The First and The Last

Hari ini adalah hari yang menakjubkan, dimulai dengan pagi yang menyegarkan dan disertai omelan nyokap karena lebih mentingin CFD daripada solat subuh di masjid.. dan diakhiri dengan senyuman :)

Ya, mungkin lebih baik gue ceritain dari awal..

Setelah gue nyiapin semua perlengkapan, gue siap utk berangkat. Gue pergi ketempat janjian gue, anto, dan kahfi. Tapi saat nyampe disana, ternyata mereka gak ada! Alhasil, gue kebingungan dan mencari-cari mereka disekitar. Jujur, gue blm pernah sama sekali CFD an di H.I. soalnya, saat hari minggu gue biasa ngumpul dan gowes bareng sama anak2 koskas. Tapi, biarin lah.. mungkin gue emang "ngaret" kali, ya. sampe ditinggal-tinggal. akhirnya, gue memutuskan untuk pergi ke H.I. sendiri. gue gak tau jalan kesana, dompet gue tipis, dan gue kebelet pengen pipis.

Nekat? Sangat.

Dengan segenap kekuatan, gue mengkayuh pedal gue menuju H.I. dan berdoa supaya ada rombongan sepeda yang mau kesana juga.

Singkat cerita, di awal jalan gue ketemu dgn temen gue, Jihan. dan dia juga pngen ke H.I. lalu gue ngikutin dia dan pergi bareng.

Karena terlalu lama, dia gue tinggal, dan lagi2 gue memutuskan untuk gowes ke H.I. sendiri.

Di perjalanan, gue mengikuti beberapa orang, dan mereka adalah orang2 yg tak terduga. gue ketemu mantan nya temen gue Nanda, namanya Vigo. yang akhirnya gue tinggalin juga karena sepeda fixie nya rusak (gak bisa di gowes). Lalu daffa, della, tami, temen SMP gue yang sekarang SMA di 71, lalu temen koskas gue.

Gue sampai di H.I. dengan selamat berkat feeling gue mengikuti banyak orang. setelah sampai, gue mencari tempat untuk breakfast, karena dari pagi gue blm makan. Setelah breakfast, gue melanjutkan perjalanan memutar pulang melewati Taman Suropati, yang saat menuju ke H.I. tadi juga gue lewatin.

Seperti kata pepatah, "perjalanan pulang adalah perjalanan yang paling melelahkan"
Perjalanan pulang kali ini, gue mengikuti om om yang searah dgn gue, yang akhirnya kami berpisah di tengah jalan. Gue mampir ke veldrum dan melakukan lunch, setelah itu gue berangkat pulang.....

Ok, cukup itu saja posting membosankan gue kali ini. tapi mencoba pengalaman baru adalah hal yg paling mengasyikkan yg pernah kita dapatkan.


Oh, ya.. gue hampir lupa...
Readers! gue minta maaf ya atas kesalahan2 gue yg gue sadar dan gue nggak sadar, mungkin karena posting posting gue yg menyinggung kalian atau apa yang dipasang di sini mengganggu kalian..

Dan kesimpulannya, gue cuma Author yang sering melakukan kesalahan dalam blogging. dan juga mudah2an kita bisa menjalani bulan Puasa kali ini dengan semangat baru dan niat baru untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik lagi...

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Gue Ini Visioner

Akhir akhir ini gue banyak sekali menghadapi masalah masalah mental, yg bisa buat gue tambah stress. dan juga, karena gue udah masuk ke jenjang pendidikan yg tinggi alias udah SMA, beban tugas banyak, tentu juga buat gue makin stress.

Mungkin kalo gue ini seorang Emo, gue udah memasang tali di atas pintu dan gantung diri..

Tapi sayangnya, gue bukan.

Jadi, gue harus tetep move on dengan apa yg gue punya. bertahan menghadapi dunia yang sudah semakin berat. beruntung, gue ini seorang yang selalu memikirkan apa yang akan gue lakuin kedepannya. dan bertindak berdasarkan apa yang gue pikirkan. gue seorang yang visioner. itu cukup membantu gue untuk bertahan.

Jadi sok dewasa nulis beginian, yaudah namanya juga nulis.. keluarin semuanya aja deh.

Banyak orang bilang gue ini terlalu rajin untuk melakukan hal yang tidak penting, dan terlalu malas untuk melakukan hal yang seharusnya gue lakuin. Gue orang yang sering berpikir dan jarang bertindak, itulah sebabnya gue sering melakukan kesalahan saat melakukan sesuatu. Gue selalu bertindak dgn teori, bukan praktek, dan itulah sebabnya juga gue selalu mendapatkan nilai buruk saat pelajaran Olahraga.

Gue cukup bisa menghandle apapun yang gue terima, gue orang yang optimis, dan gue orang yang selalu bertindak melalui teori, gue juga orang yang selalu berpikir maju (visioner).

Kesimpulannya, gue adalah gue. Gue bukan lo, dan lo juga bukan gue. Kita berpikir sebagai satu individu, punya jalan pikiran masing masing. Jadi jangan berbuat seolah lo mengetahui sesuatu yg gue pikirkan karena lo bukanlah gue.
Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

The Night I Ruin Your Life

i hope
you're gonna start to choke
laughing at your bad jokes
all i can do is hope

and this feeling
hanging on the ceiling
its not just me youre seeing
but i'll be just fine

and im feeling fucked up
this town dont feel mine
so please please say anything
please please do something good
and i guess i wont see you tonight

remember tonight as the night that i ruin your life
so take those pills and die and swear as much as you like

i am a pirate
and you are my summer crime
this town cant keep anymore secret
yeah we'll get caught

and im feeling fucked up
this town dont feel mine
so please please say anything
please please do something good
and i guess i wont see you tonight

remember tonight as the night that i ruin your life
so take those pills and die and swear as much as you like

this is the night
where we say goodbye
and i will see you cry
and we'll make our demands
and our future plans
the days ahead are burning down in flames
burning down in flames
just like your eyes
just like your eyes

and im feeling fucked up
this town dont feel mine
so please please say anything
please please do something good
and i guess i will see you tonight.. not

remember tonight as the night that i ruin your life
so take those pills and die and swear as much as you like
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Fight for your dearest ones

the world may have turned against you

the world may have said something bad about you

maybe you've done something bad

maybe you've been bad

you just keep goin, alright?

because not everything you do in this world is right to others










because it might turns out the best to others

because everything happens for a reason

and you are here for a reason

and you're reading this for a reason


make a move

go on and make a difference

you'll never know until you lost you're chances

and as for me,

i never regret all the things that i've done

i only regret things that i didn't do

because i try to do it all.

have you done something to your life today?
Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Beberapa Ambigu Belakangan Ini

#1 Dia ada di belakang mu, disaat kau sibuk mencarinya
Ok, kita mulai dari sini.. di hari kamis yang cerah. seperti biasa, gue tertidur lagi sehabis gue solat subuh. langsung saja, di saat tertidur gue memimpikan bahwa gue ada di Racoon City beserta para outbreak zombie yang ganas..
Maaf, gue jadi cerita soal mimpi gue.
Terbangun, gue dapati sekujur tubuh gue ada dibawah lantai alias gue jatuh dari tempat tidur. Gue kaku, gak berdaya, gue ingin mengeluarkan suara, tapi mulut gue terkunci rapat. Entah kenapa, gue jadi kangen bantal gue. Dengan segala usaha yang gue lakuin untuk menggerakkan badan gue, akhirnya gue berhasil. Dan seketika gue gak melihat bantal gue dimanapun. Gue cari dia di lemari, bawah kasur, dan segala pelosok kamar.. tapi gak ketemu.. Alhasil, gue nyerah.. turun kebawah, duduk di sofa. Dan saat gue duduk.. Gue gak sengaja menyentuh sesuatu yang lembut. ya! bantal gue ada dibelakang gue selama ini!

#2 Phineas and Ferb
Haha, pasti lo tau serial kartun yang satu ini. Setiap pagi gue menonton nya dan gak pernah bosan. Tokoh kesukaan gue adalah ferb, bocah super pintar yang jarang sekali bicara.
Baiklah, gue berharap gue punya otak seperti phineas dan ferb, menghabiskan liburan musim pancaroba ini dengan menemukan penemuan baru.. contohnya, Whaletelecomnic, benda yang bisa membuat manusia bisa berbicara dengan paus.
Yah, itukan hanya harapan. Kenyataannya mungkin datang sekitar 2 abad lagi. 

#3 I am what i am this whole time you were wrong
You thought that i was this whole thing that i'm not
How jealousy has gotten in to you!
You want to be me, the truth is i'm not you!

#4 Pernah berambisi untuk tidak menguasai TV?
Kemarin malam, gue baru pulang dari kegiatan gowes malem (Niteride) gue bareng temen gue anto, saat masuk ke rumah.. gue denger Nyokap dan Bokap gue ngebicarain tetangga. Ya, seperti gosip tapi ini fakta.
Intinya, setelah naruh tas, gue nimbrung bareng mereka. JB JB tanpa mengeluarkan sepatah kata.
"Itu tu si ***** kalo naroh laki sembarangan aja, udah tau ini komplek! Gak tau malu apa dia," kata nyokap gue
"Kamu seharusnya diem.. kamu tau gak ngomongin orang itu salah! kayak kamu sok bener aja," balas bokap
"Kok jadi kamu yang belain sih? Ini bukan ngegosip! anaknya sendiri yang bilang tadi, bahwa ibunya masukin laki ke kamar!!"
"Udah, jangan ngomongin orang mulu! biarin dia ngurus masalahnya sendiri!"

keadaan makin memanas, dari tadi gue mendengar ocehan mereka dibalik telinga yang gue tutupin pake headset gameboy. TV yang masih menyala seakan terabaikan.
Dan akhirnya, gue angkat bicara, "Udah yah selesai! Baru aja pulang kantor langsung marah2 gara orang! Dan ibu! Jangan bersikap seperti ibu yang paling benar! Aku tau tindakan orang itu salah, tapi bukankah ada baiknya kalau langsung bicara didepannya dan gak ngomongin dia disaat orang lain sedang tertidur lelap?!!"

Mendengar perkataan gue, mereka terdiam. Tidak merespon apapun. Lalu mereka meninggalkan sofa dan masuk ke kamar. Setelah itu, gue gak mendengar mereka bertengkar dan ber-argumen lagi. Gue sendiri, melanjutkan permainan yang tadi tertunda.. Dengan TV yang masih menyala.

#5 G to I not G.I.
Currently in love with that girl ;)

#6 Bisakah kau simpulkan semua ini?
Biasanya manusia akan sulit jika ditanya seperti ini. Tidak tahu kenapa, saya sendiri jika ditanya atau diberi pertanyaan dalam selembar kertas ilmiah, "Berikan kesimpulan mu terhadap apa yang tadi telah engkau teliti!" Akan memilih untuk tidak menjawabnya sekarang, karena secara tiba tiba kesimpulan itu hilang dari pikiran saya.
Inti dari semua ini, saya hanya ingin menyimpulkan bahwa kesimpulan yang kita dapat setiap harinya bukanlah jawaban. Melainkan sesuatu yang bisa membuat kita mengetahui apa arti dari sesuatu yang kita lakukan.

maaf, memang tulisan saya sulit dimengerti atau apa. saya hanyalah orang biasa yang sering melakukan kesalahan dalam menulis.
jadi, saya hanya berharap anda tidak membaca posting blog saya kali ini, tapi menyimpulkan arti dari saya menulis semua ini. CIAO!
Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Never Deleted

I didn't know i can talk on my sleep

i didn't realize that before

anywho i'm watching "the universe" on the discovery channel.
becuase i'm a nerd...
but isn't it weird how there are so many planets...
and i really do wonder if there is other life out there.
and especially...
what makes our planet special...
oh well i'm thinking too hard.

i kind of want to go back to school tomorrow, but at the same time i don't.
i need to see people... i need to do something with my brain...


oh my.

my girlfriend lives far away from here
she just moved there last year

do come back in a heartbeat
don't be confuse of what a great thing we can be
we'll take a walk on the same street
            can you tell me how sydney is like without me?
Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Like you have a wing, but you can't fly

Entah kenapa belakangan ini gue jadi sering bingung, bahkan untuk beberapa masalah sepele yang gak harus gue pikirin, sekarang berputar putar dipikiran gue. Gue bingung, labil, dan plinplan. Apa yang harus gue lakuin kedepannya? Apakah saat dewasa nanti gue hanya akan menjadi pecundang dunia? Atau seorang manusia yang membuat revolusi besar?

Kadang, banyak dari kita lebih mengutamakan hal yang biasa daripada hal yang benar.. termasuk gue ini.. Gue tau di masa lalu gue sering melakukan kesalahan, tapi sedikit demi sedikit gue agak sadar bahwa itulah hal yang paling benar.. Jadi gak masalah bahwa disaat kita melakukan kesalahan itu tidak sepenuhnya salah, tapi tetap saja salah orang yang melakukannya.

Dan kita juga punya pilihan dalam hidup, menjadi orang yang lebih baik dari kemarin itu pilihan. Jika lo ingin menjadi seorang penjahat besar dunia juga gak salah, itukan hak lo, dan dengan begitu lo sudah menjalankan kewajiban lo sebagai manusia.. yaitu dengan menentukan pilihan hidup. Tapi mungkin pandangan manusia lainnya yang memang harus kita pikirkan sebelum kita memilih.

Apakah kita ingin mendapatkan banyak teman, atau banyak musuh.
Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Farewell Junior High School!

i got so good in physics while i got beaten phisycally
i went thru a lot just to write this down
done with the bullies and the bad treats
and all the guys who thinks they own the streets
i want you to know i dont want this

my heartbeat's getting faster
or is it getting any better getting any better?
is there a short cut to the other side
where i can live with pride
and a girl that i can lay beside
life is calling me now
i'm with you somehow
let's just pretend that they're all dead (let's just pretend that they're all dead)
what the hell are you waiting for
it's not the 60's anymore
it's you i'm with tonite we could be anywhere, with anyone anytime

got back home with a smile and we talked for awhile
this is the third time myspace saved my life
late hour conversation leads to a masturbation
deep down in dedication
ends up with satisfaction

i've tried so hard to get there
i know that this is getting better this is getting better
i found the shortcut to the other side
where i can live with pride
and a girl that i can lay beside

left my homework behind i want you in my first place
it's you i want, i need, i embrace..



-from dorks never say die song, edited by me
Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Should I write more epic entry? any ideas?

Hai, lama tak berjumpa. mungkin kalian semua para readers menginginkan sebuah entri yang epik? tapi maaf, sekarang inspirasi gue buyar semua..

mungkin lain kali, okay?

gue sebenarnya pngen cerita tentang pengalaman2 gue pas SMP (karena gue udah lulus kali, ya. haha) but whatever, i just don't have any inspirations to write now..

"Currently not in the mood to write... and shave.. obviously... but hold on, i MIGHT write something before the end of this week... but that's a big MIGHT with all caps."

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Awesome Things #32: When you learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere

Once in a while you send big blinking signs that everything’s unfolding according to plan. Yes, whether it’s a supersmooth drive home, some eerie deja vu, or a perfect time showing up on the clock, you drop buzzy little braintwists that always keep us guessing.

Yes, it’s great when you learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere. You know how it goes: something weird like coagulate, vexed, or perforated leaps into your temporal lobe and wedges itself there tightly, grabbing a beer, putting its feet up, making itself at home.

But then soon magazine articles are zooming the word up to your eyeballs, your college professor is dropping it in lectures, and you see it hanging strangely coagulate in the middle of a random blog.

“I never knew that word before,” you think. “but now it’s following me around.”

See, the Lords of Language know you well. They gotta repeat things to seal in the learning. So when it happens just enjoy that personal thrill, feel that connection crackle, and smile and nod because you just got a little bit smarter and a lot more

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Kembali Menulis

Halo pembaca setia yg ke 25999 --... udah lama ya gue gak nulis disini. Okelah, mungkin untuk membayar semua ketelatan gue kepada pembaca. ya, walaupun mungkin sebagian besar dari kalian ada yg tidak mengerti apa yg sedang gue katakan sekarang. but whatever.. i just want this blog still alive.

hahaha. baca aja lah yg satu ini:

baru baru ini, gue inget bahwa seseorang pernah bilang, "kalo galau enak ya update post di blog" dan mungkin itulah penyebab nya gue update post sekarang. galau? ngga, gue gak lagi galau, cuma desperate sedikt. yaaa

something's kindaaaa difficult, but sometimes kindaaaa comfortable.

sekarang gue sedang memikirkan sesuatu, yang sangat sangat sensitif. tapi, masih belum menemukan kesimpulan dari pemikiran tersebut.

baiklah, pikiran gue mulai kacau

amd h nmf sdjaofmnsifghvmamio[ jnaismifgahksfh fi 1412940123


akndm, faojm aokd jskoai0fj n0i12iut32095kjias9 u

jadi sekarang?

pikiran gue belum kembali ke titik normalnya.
Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

30 Days Digimon Challenge!

Day 01: How old were you when you first discovered Digimon?
Day 02: Favourite character.
Day 03: Which digivice do you like best?
Day 04: Favourite digital monster.
Day 05: Favourite crest.
Day 06: A couple you wish existed.
Day 07: A couple you can’t stand.
Day 08: Favourite couple.
Day 09: Favourite friendship.
Day 10: Favourite season.
Day 11: Who do you think wore the goggles best?
Day 12: Least favourite digital monster.
Day 13: Least favourite character.
Day 14: Least favourite season.
Day 15: A character you’d be best friends with.
Day 16: A character you would not get along with.
Day 17: Best dressed character.
Day 18: Worst dressed character.
Day 19: A moment that made you happy.
Day 20: A moment that made you sad.
Day 21: A moment that made you angry.
Day 22: Favourite villain.
Day 23: Lease favourite villain.
Day 24: Favourite minor character.
Day 25: Favourite episode.
Day 26: What crest would you have?
Day 27: Would you ever have a Digimon for a pet?
Day 28: English names vs Japanese names (Which do you prefer?).
Day 29: Favourite quote.
Day 30: An unpopular opinion.
Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

30 Days Pokemon Challenge!

Day 01: Favourite Pokemon
Day 02: Least favourite Pokemon
Day 03: Favourite starter Pokemon 
Day 04: Favourite Eeeveelution 
Day 05: Favourite legendary Pokemon 
Day 06: Most terrifying Pokemon
Day 07: Most adorable Pokemon
Day 08: Most amusing Pokemon
Day 09: Favourite Pokemon type
Day 10: Least favourite Pokemon type
Day 11: Favourite new Pokemon from Black & White
Day 12: Favourite Pokemon attack or move
Day 13: If you lived in the Pokemon world, what would you be? 
Day 14: If you were a gym leader, what would be your specialty?
Day 15: Favourite region in the Pokemon world 
Day 16: If you could live anywhere in the Pokemon world, where would it be?
Day 17: If you could be any Pokemon, what would you be?
Day 18: Favourite Gym Leader
Day 19: Favourite Elite 4 member/Champion
Day 20: Favourite Pokemon Professor
Day 21: Favourite Pokemon bad guys
Day 22: Favourite Rival
Day 23: A Pokemon which reminds you of a friend
Day 24: A Pokemon you’d find useful in real-life
Day 25: A Pokemon based on your favourite animal
Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour
Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most nostalgic element of Pokemon
Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

99 Facts About Guys! (According Raynard Rahardja)

1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.

2. Guys love flirts.

3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.

4. When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.

5. "Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.

6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

7. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.

8. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.

10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.

11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.

12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can't. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!

13. Guys cry!!!!!!!!

14. Don't provoke the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.

15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.

16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.

17. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.

18. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.

19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.

20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

21. When a guy makes a prolonged "umm" or makes any excuses when you're asking him to do you a favor, he's actually saying that he doesn't like you and he can't lay down the card for you.

22. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow."

23. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.

24. Guys hate gays!

25. Guys love their moms.

26. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.

27. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.

28. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.

29. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.

30. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.

31. Like Eve, girls are guys weaknesses.

32. Guys are very open about themselves.

33. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.

34. No guy is bad when he is courting.

35. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.

36. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.

37. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.

38. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

39. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

40. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.

41. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.

42. Guys try to find the stuffed toy a girl wants but would unluckily get the wrong one.

43. Guys virtually brag about anything.

44. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.

45. Guys think too much.

46. Guys' fantasies are unlimited.

47. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does!

48. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!

49. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl.

50. It's not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they broke up especially when they've been together for 3 years or more.

51. You have to tell a guy what you really want before getting involved with that guy.

52. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be matured and grow up.

53. When an unlikable circumstance comes, guys blame themselves a lot more than girls do. They could even hurt themselves physically.

54. Guys have strong passion to change but have weak will power.

55. Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed pussycats with their girlfriends.

56. When a guy pretends to be calm, check if he's sweating. You'll probably see that he is nervous.

57. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is.

58. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."

59. Guys don't really have final decisions.

60. When a guy loves you, bring out the best in him.

61. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him.

62. If a guy has been kept shut or silent, say something.

63. Guys believe that there's no such thing as love at first sight, but court the girls anyway and then realize at the end that he is wrong.

64. Guys like femininity not feebleness.

65. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.

66. A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be sure unless the girl tells him.

67. A guy would waste his time over video games and basketball, the way a girl would do over her romance novels and make-ups.

68. Guys love girls who can cook or bake.

69. Guys like girls who are like their moms. No kidding!

70. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

71. A guy's friend knows everything about him. Use this to your advantage.

72. Don't be a snob. Guys may easily give up on the first sign of rejection.

73. Don't be biased. Try loving a guy without prejudice and you'll be surprised.

74. Girls who bathe in their eau de perfumes do more repelling than attracting guys.

75. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.

76. Guys don't comprehend the statement "Get lost" too well.

77. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions but still love them more.

78. When a guy gives a crooked or pretentious grin at your jokes, he finds them offending and he just tried to be polite.

79. Guys don't care about how shiny their shoes are unlike girls.

80. Guys tend to generalize about girls but once they get to know them, they'll realize they're wrong.

81. Any guy can handle his problems all by his own. He's just too stubborn to deal with it.

82. Guys find it so objectionable when a girl swears.

83. Guys' weakest point is at the knee.

84. When a problem arises, a guy usually keeps himself cool but is already thinking of a way out.

85. When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at fixing things.

86. When a guy looks at you, either he's amazed of you or he's criticizing you.

87. When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance, give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance, ignore him.

88. If a guy lets you go, he really loves you.

89. If you have a boyfriend, and your boy best friend always glances at you and it obviously shows that he is jealous whenever you're with your boyfriend, all I can say is your boy best friend loves you more than your boyfriend does.

90. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.

91. You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain when he cries in front of you!

92. If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him first why.

93. When a guy says he can't sleep if he doesn't hear your voice even just for one night, hang up. He also tells that to another girl. He only flatters you and sometimes makes fun of you.

94. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.

95. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.

96. Girls are allowed to touch boys' things. Not their hair!

97. If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you.

98. Guys hate girls who overreact.

99. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


Hello everybody, was today is a good day for you? Guess i can do anything i want, but i'm not. Well, i just want to share any photos here. If you dont like this post, just click red mark beside the blog's name.

Check it out.

At Alfamart Pekayon

At Depok

At Universitas Indonesia

Take Our Breakfast

Pasukan Offroad Koskas Bekasi

Sepeda atau Donat?

Korban Lain


At Logo UI: Small Take

Oversize Take

Just i did, and that experience is very unforgettable for me. My bike's broken, but i force it to still swing my pedals to UI. Yeah, it was so annoying, but still i want swing more and more with my broken bike.

The conclution is, i'm alive and posting this article to spread my experience.


Time to go. 

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About Me

Foto Saya
Deny Saputra
A player of world, nerd, disguiser, and a scholar of SMAN 12 Jakarta. For further information:
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