Minggu, 24 April 2011

Pray for me, Wish us luck

Hey anyone! This is me, the real creature. and soon i'll fight againts freakn national exam. wish us have a 36,00 or more of NEM! (-@denyriolu)

Jadi, disini pasti sangat sepi ya, saya duduk termangu menatap layar monitor 21' dan saya bingung apa yang harus saya lakukan. guess what? prepare for UN? yeah, i did that a long month ago when everyone in my school very dont care. maybe somebody care for me. yahaa.

Kadang, sebuah deret matematika, rumus fisika, aljabar, dan persatuan hipotesis yang agak menyebalkan tetap bergabung terhadap satu hal, ritme. kita disini hanya orang biasa yang terus mengeluh dan ketakutan kpd sesuatu. dont over estimited for the trouble or under estimited. guru agama saya pernah bilang, "jangan jadikan hal yang kita hadapi nanti sebagai beban, tapi hadapilah sebagai peluang. dan jadikan itu untuk membuat hidup kita menjadi lebih bermakna."

So the conclution is, we are just a human and want to being the revolutioner for our life. National examination is just another smaaaalll side from our life problem and dont make it more difficult than our capability.
I am a students and forever.. and forever.. i am nerd.. nerd.. and that.. make me die.. make me die..

Off until the end of UN!!

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Deny Saputra
A player of world, nerd, disguiser, and a scholar of SMAN 12 Jakarta. For further information: denyjfp@gmail.com
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