Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

The Noble Phantasm

Noble Phantasms (宝具, hougu?, lit. precious tool) are "crystallized mysteries", armaments made using the imagination of humans as their core, and weapons or abilities owned by Heroic Spirits. They are the embodiment of the ultimate mysteries of a hero that symbolizes his existence through historical facts and anecdotes. They can be general weapons, such as sword, lances, or bows, support items, such as rings and crowns, or they can be abstract concepts, such as abilities and curses. Considered to be their trump cards, they are activated by channeling prana into them and releasing their true names, and this can only be done by their true owners.

Noble Phantasms far outrank other non-legendary items, meaning that a C ranked Noble Phantasm is the equivalent of an A or A+ ranked normal attack. Rin gives the examples of dragon-slaying swords, shoes that can run far and wide, god-killing demonic swords, and Hazanken, a weapon in Chinese legends that can only be swung once, but is said to be able to even slice through mountains. There are cases where the nature of the Noble Phantasm is not actually a true crystallized mystery, such as Archer's Unlimited Blade Works, which is magecraft that symbolizes him, and Li Shu Wen's No Second Strike, which is the quintessence of his martial arts. Sasaki Kojirou is a case of a Heroic Spirit without a Noble Phantasm due to his status as a wraith, but his technique, Tsubame Gaeshi, has managed to be on par with Noble Phantasms without the use of magecraft.

There are some of them:

Avalon (Excalibur's Scabbard)

Excalibur Galantine

Gae Dearg

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Deny Saputra
A player of world, nerd, disguiser, and a scholar of SMAN 12 Jakarta. For further information: denyjfp@gmail.com
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