Remember When I Said, "I Love You." Well.. Forget it, I Take it Back
For; someone in somewhere far away from my heartbreak.
There are things that used to make me smile
One of them was you for just a little while
You left me for dead so far away
I replaced you with fear and shame
You'll be happy on the day I die
There are things that used to make me laugh
But now they're deeply buried in the past
I left them there so far away
Replaced my humor with my pain
I'll be happy on the day it dies
Remember when I said I love you
Well, forget it I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said
There are things that used to make you cry
One of them was me for just a little while
Why is it that you had to say
Goodbye in your special way
You slashed the tires on my car
Remember when I said I love you
Well, forget it I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said
Remember when I said I love you
Well, go ahead I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said
There are things that used to make me smile
One of them was you for just a little while
You left me for dead so far away
I replaced you with fear and shame
You'll be happy on the day I die
There are things that used to make me laugh
But now they're deeply buried in the past
I left them there so far away
Replaced my humor with my pain
I'll be happy on the day it dies
Remember when I said I love you
Well, forget it I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said
There are things that used to make you cry
One of them was me for just a little while
Why is it that you had to say
Goodbye in your special way
You slashed the tires on my car
Remember when I said I love you
Well, forget it I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said
Remember when I said I love you
Well, go ahead I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said
Homicide - Puritan
Adalah bagaimana manusia menyebut nama Tuhannya
Tebas lehernya dulu baru beri dia kesempatan untuk bertanya
Pastikan setiap tema legitimasi agama seperti hak cipta
Supaya dapat kucuci seluruh kesucianmu dengan sperma
Persetan dengan surga sejak parameter pahala
diukur dengan seberapa banyak kepala yang kau pisahkan dengan nyawa
Kini leherkulah yang membuat golokmu tertawa
Tebas lehernya dulu baru beri dia kesempatan untuk bertanya
Pastikan setiap tema legitimasi agama seperti hak cipta
Supaya dapat kucuci seluruh kesucianmu dengan sperma
Persetan dengan surga sejak parameter pahala
diukur dengan seberapa banyak kepala yang kau pisahkan dengan nyawa
Kini leherkulah yang membuat golokmu tertawa
Target operasi diantara segudang fasis seperti FBR di Karbala
Karena aku adalah libido kemarahan mu yang terangsang dalam genangan darah
Selangkangan mu jika kau menyebut parang bagian dari dakwah
Melahap dunia menjadi pertandingan sepakbola
Penuh suporter yang siap membunuh jika papan skor tak sesuai selera
Para manusia unggul warisan Orientasi Mahasiswa
Paranoida statistika agama wacana-phobia ala F.A.K
B-A-K-I-N tak pernah bubar mewujud dalam nafas kultural
Persis wakil parlemen yang kau coblos dan kau tuntut bubar
Partai bisa ular belukar liberal
Genghis Khan mana yang coba definisikan moral?!!
Persetankan argumentasi membakar bara masalah
Dengan kunci pembuka anti-dialektika komprehensi satu bahasa
Instruksi air raksa mereduksi puisi hingga ke level yang paling fatal!
Hilangkan amunisi
Sakral adalah ambisi
Wadal modernisasi
Program labelisasi Abu Jahal
Distopia yang tak pernah sabar untuk menuai badai
Untuk setiap kebenaran dan keagungan yang kau bela dengan dakwah
Dan membuat orang lain mati bersamamu
Untuk setiap ide yang kalian berangus atas nama surga yang kalian halalkan
Aku bersumpah untuk setiap jengkal markas yang dianggap layak bongkar
Dan setiap buku yang nampak lebih berguna jika terbakar
Jika setiap hal harus bergerak dalam alurmu yang sakral
Sampai api terakhir pun neraka bertukar tempat dengan aspal
Batalyon pembenci Gommorah sucikan dunia dengan darah
Menipiskan batas antara khotbah dengan gundukan sampah
Jika membaca Albert Camus menjadi alasan badan-leher terpisah
Lawan api dengan api dan biarkan semua rata dengan tanah
Lubang tai sejarah memang dunia adalah
Kakus raksasa nikahi bongkah kranium kerdil berpinak ludah
Jika idealismemu tawaran mengundang surga mampir
Berikan bendera dan seragammu kubakar sampai arang terakhir
Seratus kali lebih dangkal dari kolom Atang Ruswita
Seribu kali lebih busuk dari tajuk majalah Garda
Untuk semua idiot yang berfikir semua ide dapat berakhir di perapian
Tak ada dunia yang begitu mudah untuk kalian hitam-putihkan
Mendukung keagungan layak Heidegger mendukung Nazi
Propaganda basi
Wahyu surgawi dengan bau tengik terasi
Jika suci adalah wajib dan perbedaan harus melenyap
Maka jawaban atas wahyu, parang, dan balok adalah; bensin, kain dan botol kecap!!
Fasis yang baik adalah fasis yang mati
Fasis yang baik adalah fasis yang mati
Fasis yang baik adalah fasis yang mati
Tunggu di ujung jalan yang sama saat kalian mengancam kami!!
#by: me
Awesome Things #112: When Your Pet Notices You’re in a Bad Mood and Comes to See You
Everybody hurts, sometimes.
Relationships fritz and fizzle, bad moods steam and sizzle, and we all have moments where all we wanna do is to curl up under a blanket so it all goes away.
In tear-stained moments of blackness, when the weight of the world hangs heavy, there’s nothing as sweet as a furry four-footed friend noticing your mood and coming over for a snuggle.
As your dog curls into your lap or your cat stares straight in your eyes you just suddenly sniff back hot salty tears and let a small smile curl onto your face.
Relationships fritz and fizzle, bad moods steam and sizzle, and we all have moments where all we wanna do is to curl up under a blanket so it all goes away.
In tear-stained moments of blackness, when the weight of the world hangs heavy, there’s nothing as sweet as a furry four-footed friend noticing your mood and coming over for a snuggle.
As your dog curls into your lap or your cat stares straight in your eyes you just suddenly sniff back hot salty tears and let a small smile curl onto your face.
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
Gue masih tetep aja bingung sama orang yg ngurusin kepentingan orang lain. bukannya gak suka, tapi kayaknya ngeganggu aja. ya, jujur walaupun gue juga agaknya suka begini tapi gak terlalu juga kali.
Contohnya, gue gak suka rokok, ngehirup aja udah batuk apalagi ngisepnya. temen2 gue perokok (dalam usia mereka yg msih sngt labil) tapi, belom pernah gue nyuruh mereka buat brhnti. gue orang jawa, keluarga gak ada suka pedes. so? gue suka rendang (terpedas tentu) keluarga gue juga gak ngelarang.
dan, gue juga gak peduli sama omongan orang tntang gue itu apa. lo mau ejek apapun gue terima, lagian itu juga hak asasi lo ngatain gue.
jangan terlalu terpaku sama yg udah past, kalo udah terjadi mah terjadi aja. emang sih, gak ada masa depan tanpa masa lalu, udah pasti semua manusia rasakan penyakit hati kayak gitu. jadi gak usah khawatir.
gue cuma remaja biasa yg ingin mencari arti hidup yg sbnarnya. berusaha membuat kenyataan manis bahwa hidup di bulan akan lebih lama 20 tahun dibandingkan di bumi. ngerasain senangnya jadi pembuat time traveler. mikirn gimana cara nya ngabisin uang kalo gue jadi bill gates. mengubah ratapan hati perempuan yg dijuluki milky-way itu.
GEOSENTRIS = 1569 - 1700
cukup semuanya itu buat lo, gue adalah gue.
dan gue gak peduli bahwa lo adalah si haters pembaca blog.
I hang out with zombies without being one of them.
Contohnya, gue gak suka rokok, ngehirup aja udah batuk apalagi ngisepnya. temen2 gue perokok (dalam usia mereka yg msih sngt labil) tapi, belom pernah gue nyuruh mereka buat brhnti. gue orang jawa, keluarga gak ada suka pedes. so? gue suka rendang (terpedas tentu) keluarga gue juga gak ngelarang.
dan, gue juga gak peduli sama omongan orang tntang gue itu apa. lo mau ejek apapun gue terima, lagian itu juga hak asasi lo ngatain gue.
jangan terlalu terpaku sama yg udah past, kalo udah terjadi mah terjadi aja. emang sih, gak ada masa depan tanpa masa lalu, udah pasti semua manusia rasakan penyakit hati kayak gitu. jadi gak usah khawatir.
gue cuma remaja biasa yg ingin mencari arti hidup yg sbnarnya. berusaha membuat kenyataan manis bahwa hidup di bulan akan lebih lama 20 tahun dibandingkan di bumi. ngerasain senangnya jadi pembuat time traveler. mikirn gimana cara nya ngabisin uang kalo gue jadi bill gates. mengubah ratapan hati perempuan yg dijuluki milky-way itu.
GEOSENTRIS = 1569 - 1700
cukup semuanya itu buat lo, gue adalah gue.
dan gue gak peduli bahwa lo adalah si haters pembaca blog.
I hang out with zombies without being one of them.
Selasa, 25 Januari 2011
Awesome Things #50: Watching a Movie and Not Watching It
So you decided to watch a movie that you want to see with the one you love,
the story's okay, the plot is well played, the characters are just amazing,
but then you started to figure out better things to do and not gonna waste any second of it, you didn't know what went first and started kissing, you pushed back and she laid down, and all in all you were doing it with the dialogues, soundtracks and sound-fx on the background, until it hits the credit title.
the story's okay, the plot is well played, the characters are just amazing,
but then you started to figure out better things to do and not gonna waste any second of it, you didn't know what went first and started kissing, you pushed back and she laid down, and all in all you were doing it with the dialogues, soundtracks and sound-fx on the background, until it hits the credit title.
Daytime Drama
Melvin is taking Diva back to her house, the situation is quite tense;
Melvin just found out that after all this time, it wasn't only him that
She's seeing, a thousand lies suddenly appears from a thousand faces
He tried to ignore.
You ruin my life.
I'm sorry.
You should be. and believe you me, i'm gonna ruin your life. every
second of it you're spending in this hometown of mine. a place full
of beautiful mistakes. my best laid plans will tear and break your heart.
I've told you before, you deserve better. you just wouldn't
I want YOU to be better. but it's too much to ask isn't it?
What do you wan't? what can i do for you?
That's a charming development.
I don't want anything from you, i'm far from romanced, this
Relationship is pointless in the first place. i hope you fall
In love and he falls out. i hope the only reason a guy could
Ever love you is because you're beatiful, and the only reason
He'll stay is because you're fuckable. and i hope someday you'll
Have STD and a bastard. a cute bastard. at least the little poor
Thing is happy.
"Somewhat in the dark, she had
confessed and he had forgiven.
This is what you live for, he
said. Two heads and a dashboard where
there is only the safety of being
with each other. How, she
wondered, could she find such hope
in the most shameful part of her"
Ready for the next revolution.
Melvin is taking Diva back to her house, the situation is quite tense;
Melvin just found out that after all this time, it wasn't only him that
She's seeing, a thousand lies suddenly appears from a thousand faces
He tried to ignore.
You ruin my life.
I'm sorry.
You should be. and believe you me, i'm gonna ruin your life. every
second of it you're spending in this hometown of mine. a place full
of beautiful mistakes. my best laid plans will tear and break your heart.
I've told you before, you deserve better. you just wouldn't
I want YOU to be better. but it's too much to ask isn't it?
What do you wan't? what can i do for you?
That's a charming development.
I don't want anything from you, i'm far from romanced, this
Relationship is pointless in the first place. i hope you fall
In love and he falls out. i hope the only reason a guy could
Ever love you is because you're beatiful, and the only reason
He'll stay is because you're fuckable. and i hope someday you'll
Have STD and a bastard. a cute bastard. at least the little poor
Thing is happy.
"Somewhat in the dark, she had
confessed and he had forgiven.
This is what you live for, he
said. Two heads and a dashboard where
there is only the safety of being
with each other. How, she
wondered, could she find such hope
in the most shameful part of her"
Ready for the next revolution.
Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011
Awesome Things #89: Just Go Anywhere You Can
I love her
I very very love her
I Lack'n love her
I Freak'n love her
I FUCK'n love her
I want to be her boyfriend
Oh yeah, that's greaaaaat!
Shino Aria, goes everywhere you can
Goes anywhere you can't
I love milky-way too
I very very love her
I Lack'n love her
I Freak'n love her
I FUCK'n love her
I want to be her boyfriend
Oh yeah, that's greaaaaat!
Shino Aria, goes everywhere you can
Goes anywhere you can't
I love milky-way too
Jumat, 21 Januari 2011
Awesome Things #64: I Need An Aspirin
One time, when i crossed my geographical lines between the Laurasia and Gondwana (this is not Pangea, or Eurasia), i talking with someone.
"Albert Einstein was born in Uni Soviet"
"Huh? You're false"
"Jimmy Neutron has a inferior grade in his IQ"
"Guy, he has a superior grade"
"You know? the price of BB is one hundred thousand rupiah"
"Are you kidding?"
"I am girl"
"What are you talking about?"
"Mrs. Nis is a teacher from the hell"
"What the?"
"I love your girlfriend"
And then, he want to kill me. but he forgot something difficult, he forgot to bring my head to UKS.
"Albert Einstein was born in Uni Soviet"
"Huh? You're false"
"Jimmy Neutron has a inferior grade in his IQ"
"Guy, he has a superior grade"
"You know? the price of BB is one hundred thousand rupiah"
"Are you kidding?"
"I am girl"
"What are you talking about?"
"Mrs. Nis is a teacher from the hell"
"What the?"
"I love your girlfriend"
And then, he want to kill me. but he forgot something difficult, he forgot to bring my head to UKS.
Awesome Things #125: Rapping With 2 Nerds, One Geek, Without the One of Dork
"Tinggalkanlah cinta lama mu"
"Karena aku jauh lebih baik"
"Dari kekasih mu yang dulu"
"Karena ku kan selalu setia"
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
Awesome Things #9: Preposterous Plight Of The Purple Potty Poeple
Konon orang-orang dewasa menghabiskan dua tahun pertama hidup anak-anak mereka dengan berusaha membuat anak-anak mereka bisa berjalan dan bicara...
...dan enam belas tahun berikutnya berusaha membuat anak-anak mereka duduk dan diam.
Sama halnya dengan latihan menggunakan toilet: Kebanyakan orang dewasa menghabiskan beberapa tahun pertama hidup anak mereka dengan ceria membicarakan pipis dan poop, dan betapa pentingnya belajar untuk membuat pipis dan poop mu di toilet seperti yang dilakukan orang besar.
Tapi begitu anak-anak menguasai seni menggunakan toilet, segera saja mereka dilarang bicara soal pipis, poop, toilet dan semua subjek yang berhubungan dengan kamar mandi. Hal-hal seperti itu tahu-tahu dianggap kasar dan vulgar, dan tidak lagi dihargai dengan pujian, kue, dan kotak-kotak jus.
Suatu hari kau jadi superstar karena poop di toilet layaknya orang dewasa, dan hari berikutnya kau duduk di kantor kepala sekolah karena mengucapkan kata "poop" dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (yang, kalau kau tanya aku, adalah tempat yang tepat untuk mengucapkan kata itu)
Kau mungkin bertanya-tanya, "Kenapa sih orang-orang dewasa melakukan itu? Kenapa sih mereka mendorong orang lain melakukan sesuatu terus melarangnya?"
Satu-satunya jawaban yang bisa kupikirkan adalah bahwa orang-orang dewasa betul-betul freak dan mungkin harus dihindari setiap saat. Mungkin kau bakal beruntung dan menemukan sedikit orang dewasa yang bisa kau percayai, tapi aku yakin kita semua setuju kau benar-benar harus mengawasi sebagian besar orang dewasa, hampir setiap saat.
Dan itulah yang harus aku lakukan sekarang.
...dan enam belas tahun berikutnya berusaha membuat anak-anak mereka duduk dan diam.
Sama halnya dengan latihan menggunakan toilet: Kebanyakan orang dewasa menghabiskan beberapa tahun pertama hidup anak mereka dengan ceria membicarakan pipis dan poop, dan betapa pentingnya belajar untuk membuat pipis dan poop mu di toilet seperti yang dilakukan orang besar.
Tapi begitu anak-anak menguasai seni menggunakan toilet, segera saja mereka dilarang bicara soal pipis, poop, toilet dan semua subjek yang berhubungan dengan kamar mandi. Hal-hal seperti itu tahu-tahu dianggap kasar dan vulgar, dan tidak lagi dihargai dengan pujian, kue, dan kotak-kotak jus.
Suatu hari kau jadi superstar karena poop di toilet layaknya orang dewasa, dan hari berikutnya kau duduk di kantor kepala sekolah karena mengucapkan kata "poop" dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (yang, kalau kau tanya aku, adalah tempat yang tepat untuk mengucapkan kata itu)
Kau mungkin bertanya-tanya, "Kenapa sih orang-orang dewasa melakukan itu? Kenapa sih mereka mendorong orang lain melakukan sesuatu terus melarangnya?"
Satu-satunya jawaban yang bisa kupikirkan adalah bahwa orang-orang dewasa betul-betul freak dan mungkin harus dihindari setiap saat. Mungkin kau bakal beruntung dan menemukan sedikit orang dewasa yang bisa kau percayai, tapi aku yakin kita semua setuju kau benar-benar harus mengawasi sebagian besar orang dewasa, hampir setiap saat.
Dan itulah yang harus aku lakukan sekarang.
Awesome Things #27: Laughing So Hard You Start Crying.
It’s a beautiful moment.
Your friend suddenly squeezes her eyes shut and starts shaking her head while laughing so hard little streams of salty tears start running down her cheeks. She covers her mouth with her hands as her wide-eyed face turns red — and you can see shiny reflections sparkle in her glittery wet eyes. Big booms bounce off walls until she eventually slows down, gasps for air, and open her eyes wide while wet sniffling, smiling widely, and regaining her composure.
And then she looks you right in the eyes and smiles. And you look her right in the eyes and smile.
And it starts all over again.
Your friend suddenly squeezes her eyes shut and starts shaking her head while laughing so hard little streams of salty tears start running down her cheeks. She covers her mouth with her hands as her wide-eyed face turns red — and you can see shiny reflections sparkle in her glittery wet eyes. Big booms bounce off walls until she eventually slows down, gasps for air, and open her eyes wide while wet sniffling, smiling widely, and regaining her composure.
And then she looks you right in the eyes and smiles. And you look her right in the eyes and smile.
And it starts all over again.
Minggu, 16 Januari 2011
Awesome Things #447: Figuring Out How We Got on this Topic
Do you ever find yourself chatting with friends when someone suddenly says “Hey, how did we start talking about this?”
That’s when you find yourself quickly unwinding your off-the-rails conversation by jumping backwards through scattered anecdotes and interconnected stories. As you unravel the jumbly mystery you’re suddenly a speedy detective racing back through the universe at warp speed to tighten a couple screws so your tightly twisted brain can relax back into a world that makes sense again.
That’s when you find yourself quickly unwinding your off-the-rails conversation by jumping backwards through scattered anecdotes and interconnected stories. As you unravel the jumbly mystery you’re suddenly a speedy detective racing back through the universe at warp speed to tighten a couple screws so your tightly twisted brain can relax back into a world that makes sense again.
Awesome Things #100: Looking at the clock and seeing that it’s 12:34
When this happens it’s like your day is winking at you. It sort of feels like all the mysteries of the world are about to unfold before your eyes as the universe puts up its hand and says “Hey, stop for a second!”
Also applies to 11:11.
Also applies to 11:11.
Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011
Random Fun Facts
Hi, my name is deny and i don’t take showers
Just kidding
but not really
I was going to say something
but i forgot what to say
i am giddy
quite giddy
yes, as giddy as a
...giddy thing.
I bet you dont even know what giddy means? ha! i like it when i'm smarter than someone. or at least that's what i feel.. in someway.. whatever.
The fact is, it's 4.01am
and i'm still awake.
guess how shitty i look right now?
The end of introductions
I think it's really funny how the saying "once you stop wanting something, you get it" always seems to ring true.
Uh well right now i'm writing this as a journal.
I guess it depends on what i keep writing and then i'll decide
I really don't think you people read my blogs. but then again i wonder if some people do, and then you people get inside my head and it's kinda creepy but then again kindaaaa comforting.
Ahaaaaaa so..
Things are changing
really fast
I've been in a bloggy mood lately,
this morning before i went to bed, i've watched load of dvds, and made crappy rap music that i will probably put somewhere for people to hear. people like you. i suppose..
Yeah, lately all of my dreams have been in Europe.
weird? slightly.
I don't think that anyone has been as ready for the weekend as myself.
so much to look forward to, so much to get away from
Am i the only one that thinks our life exam schedule is screwed up? i mean seriously, why the hell would you schedule them with a weekend right in the middle?
I have so much exciting music on my ipod. but you know, it makes me kind of depressed because i can't listen to ALL of it.
today i had 7/11 chicken katsu for dinner
Very greasy
Do you think relationship are ever really worth it?
Yeah. you learn a lot from them.
Lately i've been thinking
i think
God works in reeallyy mysterious ways
Just kidding
but not really
I was going to say something
but i forgot what to say
i am giddy
quite giddy
yes, as giddy as a
...giddy thing.
I bet you dont even know what giddy means? ha! i like it when i'm smarter than someone. or at least that's what i feel.. in someway.. whatever.
The fact is, it's 4.01am
and i'm still awake.
guess how shitty i look right now?
The end of introductions
Pre Emprative Strike Againts Decreptidute
Wow. what strong words to start an entry, i don't even know what decreptitude means.. just read it on the back of some dvd cover. and it sounds cool, so yeah.
Oh well.
Oh well.
I think it's really funny how the saying "once you stop wanting something, you get it" always seems to ring true.
But then what happens when you start wanting it again?
Uh well right now i'm writing this as a journal.
I guess it depends on what i keep writing and then i'll decide
I really don't think you people read my blogs. but then again i wonder if some people do, and then you people get inside my head and it's kinda creepy but then again kindaaaa comforting.
Ahaaaaaa so..
Things are changing
really fast
I've been in a bloggy mood lately,
this morning before i went to bed, i've watched load of dvds, and made crappy rap music that i will probably put somewhere for people to hear. people like you. i suppose..
Yeah, lately all of my dreams have been in Europe.
weird? slightly.
I don't think that anyone has been as ready for the weekend as myself.
so much to look forward to, so much to get away from
Am i the only one that thinks our life exam schedule is screwed up? i mean seriously, why the hell would you schedule them with a weekend right in the middle?
I have so much exciting music on my ipod. but you know, it makes me kind of depressed because i can't listen to ALL of it.
today i had 7/11 chicken katsu for dinner
Basically the overput cheese made me want to vomit.
however, it was delightful
however, it was delightful
Very greasy
time to go do something constructive
I Like 2.0
-girls with sneakers
-girls with short fingernails
-girls with short hair
-girls who listen to weezer
-girls whose into movies
-my room all tidy
-being in so many places, in a very short of time
-girls with short fingernails
-girls with short hair
-girls who listen to weezer
-girls whose into movies
-my room all tidy
-being in so many places, in a very short of time
To hell with you and all your friends, it's on
I thought it through and your worst brings out the best in me
Saturday bloody Saturday
I woke up with an aching tummy today..
No need further explanation, this photograph is proof..
A dedicated crackberry, or a regular moron?
Do you think relationship are ever really worth it?
Yeah. you learn a lot from them.
Lately i've been thinking
i think
God works in reeallyy mysterious ways
I quite like it
Xvcs@--@ >>__ @def ahlkscvbnxvbnsfyhwsdzfhdfj;
Xvcs@--@ >>__ @def ahlkscvbnxvbnsfyhwsdzfhdfj;
so long
or whatever
so long
or whatever
Selasa, 11 Januari 2011
Love Issue
What is it with people who misinterpreted my kindness to certain people?
when i'm close with someone and like to hangout with a person that doesn't mean i'm attracted, it's because i love to hang out.
It doesn't have to mean i want her to be my girlfriend but i just love to hangout.
i mean c'mon man.
we all can make friends.
don't feel like you own me.
I'm really tired of drama as of now, i just wanna lay back a bit for this love stuff, well if its up to me, i don't want love, i just wanna have flings cus it's easier to handle, but no its not up to me, i know how to handle with feelings.
Well i guess things like that is hard to find in this crappy town, you know, just having fun with the right fun people. we kinda lack of fun people to hang out with these days, and by people i mean people from different gender.
'cause you know, misery loves company, and some things just stressed me out, got me bored,
So yeah, i love the company. scratch that, i appreciate the company. but without being misinterpreted.
so please don't get me wrong.
hey it's my advantage being single, i choose.
and it's your choice too,
but let's just let aside of those things, i just wanna lay back.
A good friend of mine said to me just the other night,
"Deket sama cewek gak salah kok asal lo blm terikat pacaran. tp gimana cara lo deket sm mereka yang harus hati2, karena takutnya dianggep beda sama yg lo maksud. gak semua cewek itu bisa dianggap santai buat berteman dulu, dan gak semua juga ngerti kalo suatu saat lo menemukan yang lebih baik dari mereka. lo deketin beberapa cewek juga ga salah, lo kan blm punya pacar, dan diperjalanan lo untuk mencari yang terbaik lo pasti butuh beberapa pertimbangan. tapi masalahnya beberapa dari mereka salah artiin."
when i'm close with someone and like to hangout with a person that doesn't mean i'm attracted, it's because i love to hang out.
It doesn't have to mean i want her to be my girlfriend but i just love to hangout.
i mean c'mon man.
we all can make friends.
don't feel like you own me.
I'm really tired of drama as of now, i just wanna lay back a bit for this love stuff, well if its up to me, i don't want love, i just wanna have flings cus it's easier to handle, but no its not up to me, i know how to handle with feelings.
Well i guess things like that is hard to find in this crappy town, you know, just having fun with the right fun people. we kinda lack of fun people to hang out with these days, and by people i mean people from different gender.
'cause you know, misery loves company, and some things just stressed me out, got me bored,
So yeah, i love the company. scratch that, i appreciate the company. but without being misinterpreted.
so please don't get me wrong.
hey it's my advantage being single, i choose.
and it's your choice too,
but let's just let aside of those things, i just wanna lay back.
A good friend of mine said to me just the other night,
"Deket sama cewek gak salah kok asal lo blm terikat pacaran. tp gimana cara lo deket sm mereka yang harus hati2, karena takutnya dianggep beda sama yg lo maksud. gak semua cewek itu bisa dianggap santai buat berteman dulu, dan gak semua juga ngerti kalo suatu saat lo menemukan yang lebih baik dari mereka. lo deketin beberapa cewek juga ga salah, lo kan blm punya pacar, dan diperjalanan lo untuk mencari yang terbaik lo pasti butuh beberapa pertimbangan. tapi masalahnya beberapa dari mereka salah artiin."
Deny likes this.
I will keep that in mind.
all I can say is a friend like her is pretty hard to find. Hey, thanks for stood up for me the other night when your friends was saying stuff about me. Hi 5!
So, you blokes wanna hang out?
I'm still looking for a partner in crime.
Jakarta is a big playground.
404 Not Found.
Senin, 10 Januari 2011
1 more..
I want this
than i've wanted this
i don't know what to do
i'm so lost.
i'm so tired
and i don't know what i'm talking about anymore
i want this.
you just remember that.
and a postponement may be necessary now.
preoccupied with internal dramas and are best left untouched.
Take the opportunity to do tasks you've been neglecting for ages"
so the horoscope brings me here
I don't know what to write about
"+62361..." a phone call from another island
"hello? who's this?"
that name rings a bell *BALI!
finally i got that call from atticus
they found us from my blog.
my blog.
3338 total pages
45 views page today
since 3 months ago.
i finally got that phone call.
i didn't realize that before
i kind of want to go back to school tomorrow, but at the same time i don't.
"Dates and times are getting complicated,and a postponement may be necessary now.
preoccupied with internal dramas and are best left untouched.
Take the opportunity to do tasks you've been neglecting for ages"
so the horoscope brings me here
I don't know what to write about
"+62361..." a phone call from another island
"hello? who's this?"
that name rings a bell *BALI!
finally i got that call from atticus
they found us from my blog.
my blog.
3338 total pages
45 views page today
since 3 months ago.
i finally got that phone call.
I didn't know i can talk on my sleep
i didn't realize that before
anywho i'm watching "the universe" on the discovery channel.
becuase i'm a nerd...
but isn't it weird how there are so many planets...
and i really do wonder if there is other life out there.
and especially...
what makes our planet special...
oh well i'm thinking too hard.
i kind of want to go back to school tomorrow, but at the same time i don't.
i need to see people... i need to do something with my brain...
oh my.
my girlfriend lives far away from here
she just moved there last year
do come back in a heartbeat
don't be confuse of what a great thing we can be
we'll take a walk on the same street
can you tell me how sydney is like without me?4.
So bored, there is nothing interesting going on.
someone needs to put some interest in there ;)
yeah now, i don't know what to talk about.
just dropping in.
Stepping off the ledge
She looks at me and says
"Hey Deny can I spend the night
And wake up in your eyes"
"Of course you can", timidly answered,
But beware I can't promise much
Not at this time in my life
Watching trees change
Just like your ways
You're in my arms for the last time
Pressed together
My heart's weathered
Now we will see each other for the last time
I build you up and break myself down
How can I sit there while some clown?
Namely me
Sets you up for a loss
First of all I'm insecure
And number two I can't be there for you
Not at this time in my life
She looks at me and says
"Hey Deny can I spend the night
And wake up in your eyes"
"Of course you can", timidly answered,
But beware I can't promise much
Not at this time in my life
Watching trees change
Just like your ways
You're in my arms for the last time
Pressed together
My heart's weathered
Now we will see each other for the last time
I build you up and break myself down
How can I sit there while some clown?
Namely me
Sets you up for a loss
First of all I'm insecure
And number two I can't be there for you
Not at this time in my life
How can I hear your call in this windy night?
Do you ever feel like you're alone?
And do you ever wish you'd be unknown?
I could say that I have..
And do you ever feel things here aren't right?
And do you ever feel the time slip by?
I can say that I have..
And do you ever wish you'd be unknown?
I could say that I have..
And do you ever feel things here aren't right?
And do you ever feel the time slip by?
I can say that I have..
Do you ever lay awake at night?
And do you ever tell yourself don't try?
Don't try to let yourself down
Do you ever see yourself in love?
And do you ever take a chance?
Because you know that I will..
And do you ever tell yourself don't try?
Don't try to let yourself down
Do you ever see yourself in love?
And do you ever take a chance?
Because you know that I will..
And sometimes i do cry in my sleep
cause i just cant cry in real life
cause i just thought real life sometimes aint real enough
scratch that
i don't cry
even in my sleep
this blog is so cheesy
cause i just cant cry in real life
cause i just thought real life sometimes aint real enough
scratch that
i don't cry
even in my sleep
this blog is so cheesy
I don't need to say alotta words to describe what i'm feeling right now, only a few words like 6-7 words... here it goes!
i'm single.
and you're gonna have to be
to change that.
I'm gonna write something smart..
But not today,
And definitely not tonight
But not today,
And definitely not tonight
Jumat, 07 Januari 2011
10 Kebohongan Tentang Kiamat Yang Menghebohkan Dunia
1. Ayam Peramal dari Leeds, 1806
Sejarah mencatat banyak tokoh yang menyatakan bahwa zaman akhir hampir tiba ditandai dengan kedatangan nabi. Namun, mungkin "nabi" yang paling aneh adalah seekor ayam petelur dari Kota Leeds, Inggris, 1806. Ayam ini awalnya disangka menghasilkan telur yang bertuliskan "Kristus akan datang". Seiring menyebarnya kabar mujizat ini, banyak orang menjadi percaya bahwa kiamat hampir tiba sehingga seorang penduduk yang penasaran akhirnya mengawasi sang ayam ketika bertelur dan menyaksikan penipu yang menuliskan kalimat itu.
2. Kaum Millerite, 23 April 1843
Seorang petani di New England bernama William Miller, setelah beberapa tahun mempelajari Alkitab, menyimpulkan bahwa waktu yang dipilih Tuhan untuk menghancurkan dunia bisa disimpulkan dari penafsiran harafiah isi Alkitab. Ia menjelaskan hal ini kepada siapa saja bahwa dunia akan berakhir antara 21 Maret 1843 dan 21 Maret 1844. Ia berkotbah dan menerbitkan tulisan cukup banyak dan memimpin ribuan orang (yang disebut kaum Millerite) yang meyakini bahwa tanggal pasti kiamat adalah 23 April 1843. Banyak yang menjual atau menyumbangkan semua harta miliknya karena percaya semuanya tidak dibutuhkan lagi, tapi ketika tanggal 23 April datang (tapi Yesus belum juga datang) maka grup itu pun dibubarkan, lalu sebagian dari mereka membentuk gerakan yang hingga kini dikenal sebagai Gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh (Seventh Day Adventist).
3. Armageddon/Kiamat kaum Mormon, 1891 atau sebelumnya
Joseph Smith, pendiri gereja Mormon, mengadakan rapat gereja pada Februari 1835 untuk memberitahu bahwa ia berbicara kepada Tuhan. Selama pembicaraan itu, Smith mengakui bahwa Yesus akan kembali dalam 56 tahun ke depan, dan selanjutnya masa akhir zaman akan segera dimulai.
4. Komet Halley, 1910
Tahun 1881, seorang astronom, dari analisa spektral, menemukan bahwa ekor komet mengandung gas mematikan yang disebut cyanogen (dari asal kata sianida). Tadinya ini tak terlalu menarik hingga seseorang menyadari bahwa lintas bumi akan berpotongan dengan ekor komet Halley di tahun 1910. Apakah permukaan planet akan terselubung oleh gas beracun? Itulah spekulasi yang dicetak di halaman depan koran The New York Times dan sejumlah koran lainnya, yang mengakibatkan menyebarnya kepanikan di seluruh AS dan di negara lainnya. Akhirnya, para ilmuwan dengan kepala dingin menjelaskan bahwa hal itu tak patut dikhawatirkan.
5. Pat Robertson, 1982
Mei 1980, Televangelis dan pendiri Koalisi Kristen, Pat Robertson, mengejutkan dan membuat banyak orang ketika ia menyatakan dalam acara TV-nya, "700 Club", kepada pemirsa di seluruh dunia bahwa ia tahu kapan dunia akan berakhir (padahal dalam Alkitab sendiri di Matius 24:36 tentang kiamat dinyatakan "Tentang hari dan saat itu tidak seorang pun yang tahu, bahkan malaikat-malaikat di surga tidak tahu"). "Saya menjamin bahwa pada tahun 1982 akan ada penghakiman dunia," kata Robertson.
6. Heaven's Gate, 1997
Ketika komet Hale-Bopp muncul tahun 1997, muncul isu bahwa pesawat alien tengah mengikuti komet itu. Hal itu ditutupi oleh NASA dan komunitas astronomi. Walau dugaan itu dibantah oleh para astronom (dan bisa dibantah siapa saja yang memiliki teleskop yang bagus), isu ini sempat disiarkan dalam acara radio "Coast to Coast AM" yang dibawakan Art Bell dan bertemakan paranormal. Dugaan ini menginspirasi suatu kultus yang percaya pada UFO di San Diego yang menamakan diri Heaven's Gate untuk mempercayai bahwa dunia akan segera berakhir. Dunia memang berakhir bagi 39 anggota kultus itu yang bunuh diri pada 26 Maret 1997.
7. Nostradamus, Agustus 1999
Karya tulis Michel de Nostradame yang sangat membingungkan dan metaforis telah menarik perhatian banyak orang selama lebih dari 400 tahun. Tulisannya, yang ketepatannya sangat tergantung pada interpretasi yang sangat fleksibel, telah diterjemahkan dan diterjemahkan ulang dalam puluhan versi yang berbeda. Salah satu baris tulisannya menyebutkan, "Tahun 1999, bulan ketujuh. Dari langit datang raja besar teror." Banyak pengikut Nostradamus menjadi resah karena menduga bahwa inilah penglihatan sang peramal terkenal itu terhadap kiamat.
8. Y2K, 1 Januari 2000
Ketika abad lalu hampir berakhir, banyak orang khawatir bahwa komputer akan menyebabkan kiamat. Permasalahannya, yang diketahui sejak 1970, adalah bahwa banyak komputer takkan bisa membedakan antara tahun 2000 dan 1900. Tak ada yang tahu pasti apa efeknya, tapi banyak yang menduga akan terjadi bencana, mulai dari mati lampu massal hingga ledakan nuklir. Penjualan senjata meningkat dan orang bersiap bertahan hidup dalam bungker. Namun nyatanya, tak banyak kesalahan terjadi ketika milenium baru dimulai.
9. 5 Mei 2000
Kalau memang kesalahan Y2K tak terjadi, maka bencana global dijamin akan terjadi oleh Richard Noone, pengarang buku 5/5/2000 Ice: the Ultimate Disaster di tahun 1997. Menurut Noone, massa es di Antartika akan menjadi setebal 3 mil pada tanggal 5 Mei 2000, suatu tanggal yang juga bertepatan dengan sejajarnya planet-planet di tata surya, yang entah bagaimana akan menyebabkan pembekuan global yang fatal. Tanggal itu berlalu dan bumi belum beku, tetapi buku itu malah "panas" di pasaran. Mungkin juga, pemanasan global mencegah terulangnya zaman es itu.
10. God's Church Ministry, musim gugur 2008
Menurut pendeta dari God's Church, Ronald Weinland, akhir zaman telah tiba, lagi. Bukunya di tahun 2006, 2008: God's Final Witness, menunjukkan bahwa ratusan juta orang akan meninggal, dan pada akhir 2006, "paling lama 2 tahun tersisa sebelum dunia mengalami waktu terburuk sepanjang sejarah manusia. Pada musim gugur 2008, Amerika akan tumbang sebagai negara berkuasa, dan tak akan menjadi negara merdeka lagi," dan buku itu juga mencatat, "Ronald Weinland mempertaruhkan reputasinya sebagai nabi akhir zaman Tuhan."
Rabu, 05 Januari 2011
Stories From Our High School Years
The Art Of High School Break Up
Let’s take a walk tonight
we’re gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
we’re gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i’ll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
far from you
one day i will find you even when you’re not around
dont say “we wont last any longer”
or “you will find someone better”
it’s you that im waiting for
so i’ll wait for you
take notes that we’ll still have each other
we’ll drive away
one day i will find you even when you’re not around
dont say “we wont last any longer”
or “you will find someone better”
it’s you that im waiting for
so i’ll wait for you
take notes that we’ll still have each other
we’ll drive away
(i can’t let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let’s give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i’ll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
(i’ll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what’s fun is fun
i know what’s done is done
dont let the story end this way
let’s just forget it
let’s just pretend it
i dont care anymore
you know what’s fun is fun
i know what’s done is done
dont let the story end this way
let’s just forget it
let’s just pretend it
You Throw The Party, We Get The Girls
I adore your cute silly grin and
How you brush your shinny hair
Until another day begins
There will be more sins tonight
(I might be drunk, but I’m sure I’m not)
Spending more time alone with you
The rest is up to you
We had a date in your imagination
A paradise of your own creation
Got caught up in sensation
Can’t fight this bad temptation
(I might be drunk, but I’m sure I’m not)
Spending more time alone with you
The rest is up to you
Is this love? is this love?
Take it easy girl don’t try too hard
(The rain will stop tonight)
Is this love? is this love?
Take it easy girl don’t try too hard
I’ll be there
I know just what you think, yeah
The boy just cracked your head
Get over it
Get over it
I know just what you think, yeah
The boy just cracked your heart
Get over it
Get over it
Such an optimistic point of view
Saying kung fu is so untrue
You danced and said "hulla ba loo!"
For a song of blink 182
Anything you would get into
Of course I’ll be following through
Stay with me until the end of day
And then we’ll spend time on the phone
Midnite driving to another time
(Talk with me with a beginning rhyme)
Du du du dudu dudu du du
(Du du du dudu dudu du du)
I will meet you on the other line
(I will meet you on the other line)
I will meet you on the other line
(In the mean time)
In the mean time
(In the mean time)
Get over it
adore your cute silly grin and
how you brush your shinny hair
until another day begins
there will be more sins tonight
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
we had a date in your imagination
a paradise of your own creation
got caught up in sensation
can't fight this bad temptation
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
(the rain will stop tonight)
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
i'll be there
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your head
get over it
get over it
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your heart
get over it
get over it
such an optimistic point of view
saying kung fu is so untrue
you danced and said "hulla ba loo!"
for a song of blink 182
anything you would get into
of course i'll be following through
stay with me until the end of day
and then we'll spend time on the phone
midnite driving to another time
(talk with me with a beginning rhyme)
du du du dudu dudu du du
(du du du dudu dudu du du)
i will meet you on the other line
(i will meet you on the other line)
i will meet you on the other line
(in the mean time)
in the mean time
(in the mean time)
get over it adore your cute silly grin and
how you brush your shinny hair
until another day begins
there will be more sins tonight
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
we had a date in your imagination
a paradise of your own creation
got caught up in sensation
can't fight this bad temptation
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
(the rain will stop tonight)
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
i'll be there
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your head
get over it
get over it
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your heart
get over it
get over it
such an optimistic point of view
saying kung fu is so untrue
you danced and said "hulla ba loo!"
for a song of blink 182
anything you would get into
of course i'll be following through
stay with me until the end of day
and then we'll spend time on the phone
midnite driving to another time
(talk with me with a beginning rhyme)
du du du dudu dudu du du
(du du du dudu dudu du du)
i will meet you on the other line
(i will meet you on the other line)
i will meet you on the other line
(in the mean time)
in the mean time
(in the mean time)
get over it
let's take a walk tonighthow you brush your shinny hair
until another day begins
there will be more sins tonight
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
we had a date in your imagination
a paradise of your own creation
got caught up in sensation
can't fight this bad temptation
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
(the rain will stop tonight)
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
i'll be there
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your head
get over it
get over it
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your heart
get over it
get over it
such an optimistic point of view
saying kung fu is so untrue
you danced and said "hulla ba loo!"
for a song of blink 182
anything you would get into
of course i'll be following through
stay with me until the end of day
and then we'll spend time on the phone
midnite driving to another time
(talk with me with a beginning rhyme)
du du du dudu dudu du du
(du du du dudu dudu du du)
i will meet you on the other line
(i will meet you on the other line)
i will meet you on the other line
(in the mean time)
in the mean time
(in the mean time)
get over it adore your cute silly grin and
how you brush your shinny hair
until another day begins
there will be more sins tonight
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
we had a date in your imagination
a paradise of your own creation
got caught up in sensation
can't fight this bad temptation
(i might be drunk, but i'm sure i'm not)
spending more time alone with you
the rest is up to you
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
(the rain will stop tonight)
is this love? is this love?
take it easy girl dont try too hard
i'll be there
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your head
get over it
get over it
i know just what you think, yeah
the boy just cracked your heart
get over it
get over it
such an optimistic point of view
saying kung fu is so untrue
you danced and said "hulla ba loo!"
for a song of blink 182
anything you would get into
of course i'll be following through
stay with me until the end of day
and then we'll spend time on the phone
midnite driving to another time
(talk with me with a beginning rhyme)
du du du dudu dudu du du
(du du du dudu dudu du du)
i will meet you on the other line
(i will meet you on the other line)
i will meet you on the other line
(in the mean time)
in the mean time
(in the mean time)
get over it
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
dont say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so i'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
(i can't let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let's give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what's fun is fun
i know what's done is done
dont let the story end this way
let's just forget it
let's just pretend it
let's take a walk tonight
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
dont say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so i'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
(i can't let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let's give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what's fun is fun
i know what's done is done
dont let the story end this way
let's just forget it
let's just pretend itlet's take a walk tonight
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
dont say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so i'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
(i can't let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let's give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what's fun is fun
i know what's done is done
dont let the story end this way
let's just forget it
let's just pretend it
let's take a walk tonight
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
dont say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so i'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
(i can't let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let's give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what's fun is fun
i know what's done is done
dont let the story end this way
let's just forget it
let's just pretend itlet's take a walk tonight
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
dont say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so i'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
(i can't let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let's give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what's fun is fun
i know what's done is done
dont let the story end this way
let's just forget it
let's just pretend it
The Art Of High School Break Up
let's take a walk tonight
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
dont say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so i'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
(i can't let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let's give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what's fun is fun
i know what's done is done
dont let the story end this way
let's just forget it
let's just pretend it
The Art Of High School Break Up
let's take a walk tonight
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
dont say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so i'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
(i can't let you go if you keep holding my hand)
let's give this one last shot
before i break your heart
the moon is down
so no more alibis
so what if youre with him tonite?
so what if i cant be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
dont bother to explain it
i dont care anymore
you know what's fun is fun
i know what's done is done
dont let the story end this way
let's just forget it
let's just pretend it
Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
About Girls, About GirlFriend ^^
Girls Fact
1. GIRLS ALWAYS LOVE FUNNY GUYS (...and you should have know this.) that's why we love FOOLING around
2. Don't ever lie to us, because we will always know, and it hurts. and the truth, is sometimes ugly, dear
3. Don't compare our boobs with Pamela Anderson's, hers are fake (and you should have know this too) the smaller a boy's brain, the bigger the chance they'll look at your chest, i'm a well educated fool. but don't get me wrong, we'd LOVE to see you naked.
4. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook. Say it frequently and we're gonna think you're an asshole. and the fact that you said "don't ever lie to us" what if it's the truth? girls are sweet.
5. Make us curious, in a sweet way.
6.Don't sing us corny love songs. (Some girls might loooove that, but I hate that. Just DON'T ever sing me Secondhand Serenade.)
7. Tell us about your secret make us feel special.
8. Don't hide anything. At least don't be suspicious. Don't make us clueless and guessing about what we're afraid of. try reading our gesture better.
9. Make us laugh. But DON'T make fun of us, even if it's a joke. Some girls are just too sensitive.
10. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys not us.
11. We hate your ex- girlfriends. and we hate yours too.
12. It is not that cool to shoot snot rockets. and some of us dont think nail polish are cool.
13. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit other strange gases from your body, it is not. likewise.
14. Girls love guy who love his family, especially his mom. boys love it when a girl could impress their mom.
15. BE SPONTANEOUS. Any sweet things you do if you do it on purpose I might just think you did that to all other girls. spontaneous, or impulsive?
16. When you're hanging out with some of your pretty girl friends (or worse, your flirty ex girlfriend), you make us feel insecure, and we hate that. believe me, we know
17. If you remember some of the little things about our habits, we really really think you're super sweet.
18. Give us some space. Shower us with attention, not a terror with SMS / phone call everyday. likewise
19. DON'T apologize if you don't really know what's your fault. (I hate this "Apologize if you did something wrong, or even if you didn't" because yea other girls might forgive you, but it wont work if you're with me.)
20. Most importantly: we are always right; so don't forget it. no way. you FEEL like you are, but we THINK that you dont. ;p
25 Things I'D Do If You're My GirlFriend
1. Make you smile when you are down
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice
3. Stick up to you, but still respect your independence
4. Give you the remote control everytime we watch tv
5. Come up behind you and put my arms around you
6. Play with your hair
7. My hand will always find your hand
8. Be cute when i really want something
9. Offer you plenty of massages
10. Dance with you, even if i feel like a dork
11. Never run out of love
12. Be funny, but know when to be serious
13. Realize im being funny when i need to be serious
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready
15. React so cutely when you hit me, though it actually hurts
16. Smile a lot
17. Plan a romantic date full of things i wouldnt normally do because i know it means a lot to you
18. Appreciate you
19. Help others out
20. Drive for hours just to see you
21. Always give you a kiss when you leave, even when my friends are watching
22. Sing even if i cant
23. Always try to make you laugh
24. Stare at you
25. Call for no reason
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice
3. Stick up to you, but still respect your independence
4. Give you the remote control everytime we watch tv
5. Come up behind you and put my arms around you
6. Play with your hair
7. My hand will always find your hand
8. Be cute when i really want something
9. Offer you plenty of massages
10. Dance with you, even if i feel like a dork
11. Never run out of love
12. Be funny, but know when to be serious
13. Realize im being funny when i need to be serious
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready
15. React so cutely when you hit me, though it actually hurts
16. Smile a lot
17. Plan a romantic date full of things i wouldnt normally do because i know it means a lot to you
18. Appreciate you
19. Help others out
20. Drive for hours just to see you
21. Always give you a kiss when you leave, even when my friends are watching
22. Sing even if i cant
23. Always try to make you laugh
24. Stare at you
25. Call for no reason
Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011
I Don't Care If You Want to Read It or Not
Okay, sekarang gua lagi mau cerita aja pengalaman-pengalaman di akhir tahun 2010 kemarin, yang sebenernya juga agak gak penting, tapi ya sudahlah.. gua lagi males nyelesein Fic, atau nyari2 artikel buat posting. Gak apa2 ya, have fun aja. Dan kalo ngakak jangan terlalu berlebihan, gak baik buat kesehatan. Yaudah cekidot~
Seperti biasa, gua bangun kesiangan. tapi karena ini hari libur jadi gak masalah, gak banyak pekerjaan yang gua lakuin. cuma bangun dari tempat tidur, cuci muka, mandi, sama bantuin nyokap nyupir (nyuci piring) = ="
Selesai ngelakuin itu semua. gua berangkat ke tujuan pertama gua. gua ngelakuin ini (saat liburan) setiap hari, saat gua berada di komplek. ya, satu2 nya tujuan nya adalah Internet Cafe dan lebih gampang disebut warnet.
Ahahahaha, nyelesain 90 menit waktu billing cuma buat liat2 blog orang dan update twitter, sama liat notif fb. tapi gua gak bosen-bosen, tiap hari gua ngelakuin hal yang sama, dan gak pernah sekalipun gua ngilangin niat untuk datang kesini lagi (warnet). yap, gua ini orang freak, yg menghabiskan sisa waktu billing warnet (tiap dateng) untuk hal2 yg gak pnting. tapi gua suka kok, dan gak pernah nyesel. = ="
(Ini dari blog nya dochi, ceritanya sama kayak yang gua alamin kemaren = 90% mirip)
maybe you've heard this one before because i believe i've said this too many times before
somedays are good days, somedays are bad days.
today is not a good day.
yesh. started with an ugly arguments with my friend and then everything else started to fall apart. you know, like the small things.. like how today was so darn hot, being uberly hungry with no food, and then now my air conditioner is (again) broken.
about my air conditioner.. i find it a bit weird.. so i just checked out the outdoor unit, it ir. i dont know whats up with that. so i thought, if i set the temperature to warmought to be blowing warm air right? well.. it's in fact cold and at the other hand the ac in my room is blowing warm a, let's say.. 23 degrees, will it be cool instead? let's just wait and see.
NOPE. nothing happened. gotta wait for the repair guy tomorrow.
Baiklah, gua ngejalanin hari ini dengan rasa malas yang luar biasa, gua berusaha menghilangkannya dengan maen gameboy (gak berhasil), mixing (gak ada inspirasi), bikin fiction (bikin tambah bored). ayolah kawan! ini sudaj jam 5 sore! nanti malam kan malam tahun baru, kan udah banyak rencana nanti (tapi tetep aja) gak bisa ngilangin rasa males ini T_T
Guling2an di kasur, sekarang udah jam 5 lewat, masang headset dengerin lagu2. gak sadar pas gua lagi asik2nya dengerin lagu, pacar gua sms.. Hemm, pastinya gua seneng banget! gua buka isi sms nya, berharap itu sesuatu yang bagus.. halaaaah, ternyata pas gua baca sms nya, sesuatu yang bener2 bikin gua stress dan galau ke depannya. selama 2 hari, dia gak sms gua. udah berusaha gua telpon, tapi ada pesan2 gak jelas dari operator nya, ngisi pulsa tiap hari cuma buat hubungin dia (ya gak juga sih). gua gak pernah mengharapkan ini, tapi biarin lah. emang kalo mau nya dia, gua kan gak bisa maksa.
Orz. dia mutusin gua, jadi sekarang udah ada 3 cewek yang mutusin gua. dengan sadis, tanpa sebab yang jelas T_T
padahal kita pacarn juga belom lama, kurang dari seminggu! yang pasti perasaan gua kesel, gak tau lah.. sama aja kayak yg gua alamin 17 hari lalu.. saat pacar gua yg kedua mutusin gua. Orz Orz Orz, and now.. i have a down syndrome! dunno what the hell in this thing! i don't care!
Gua selesai baca sms nya, terus langsung gua reply, dengan rasa kesel yg luar biasa: "i prefer you hate me for what i am.. than to love me for what i am not!"
Selesai itu gua ngacungin jari tengah keatas, yang lainnya kebawah. janji gak akan suka sama orang itu lagi, di bulan ini gua udah disakitin 2 cewek. kalo gua bilang mereka itu B*TCH kayaknya terlalu kasar. Yaudahlah, lagian gua cuma ngelakuin ini:
Sambil bilang: F*CK YOU GIRLS!
Gua lagi males2an di kamar, sambil dengerin lagu. Galau sendiri, tujuan gua, gua harus cari motivator baru buat ngisi kekosongan hati gua, apalah artinya pokoknya harus dapet! Gua gak mau kayak gini lama2, seperti gak ada harapan hidup.. Oh iya, mendingan gua mixing buat chiptune. kalo masalah motivator beberapa jam lagi mngkin akan gua pikirkan.
All right, sekarang gua udah ada di depan LSDJ sama Mixer, ngotak-ngatik, angka2 biru itu jadi sebuah nada, agak sulit awalnya. Tapi, eh tapi.. otak gua jadi penuh inspirasi, inget cewek itu.. ohohahaha~ saking kesenengannya, gua hampir aja jatuhin LSDJ berharga gua ke lantai. jangan sampe deh~ ntar bisa digebukin kakak lagi. Orz
Ceritanya gua sama kakak gua lagi jalan2. kakak gua nemenin gua beli pulsa, letaknya lumayan jauh dari komplek. kita selesai ngisi pulsa, gua nyalain lagu PWG yang judulnya: "i hang out with zombie, without being one of them" gua lumayan suka lagu ini, dan kakak gua tau kalo lagu yg gua setel berhubungan dengan zombie. terus dia ngajak ngobrol soal Resident Evil (yg ada hubungannya dgn zombie)
"Den, itu lagu PWG?"
"Yap, yg judulnya zombie2 gitu"
"Oh oh, ntar malem main RE yok!"
"Hah? ngapain? bukannya anak2 komplek mau bakar2an? jagung sama ayam?"
"Oh iya, lupa gua.. hemm, bentar deh.. lo duluan aja," kakak gua berdiri diam di tempatnya, gua ninggalin dia. mungkin ada sesuatu yg mau dia lakuin..
Gua udah sampe di deket perbatasan komplek (dibatasi oleh sebuah selokan besar). Tiba2 ada yg nyekek gua dari belakang..
"Eeeeeeeeeeerrrrrghh..!," kesakitan gak bisa ngomong, gua berusaha berbalik, anjir! siapa yg ada di belakang!
"Gua Zombie..," suaranya nyeremin, tapi gua kenal. Dia nyekek gua kenceng banget
"Gua gigit lo!," anjir! di belakang, BENERAN ZOMBIE!? bukannya itu cuma ada di film2? I'll DIE!
"Errrgh," gua berusaha ngomong, tangan gua berusaha keras juga melepas cekikan seseorang yg gua anggap zombie, gua berhasil! melepas cekikannya.. membalikkan badan.. dan..
"Wakakakakak, sedikit lagi hampir jadi zombie lo den!," ternyata itu kakak gua, sial.. dia ngerjain gua lagi. pantesan aja tadi dia nyuruh ninggalin dia sendirian. ternyata mau ngerjain gua ya
"Anjir lo!, sialan!," terus gua teriak, "TOLONG! DISINI ADA ZOMBIE! NIH LIAT!," gua kesel banget, udah galau, di kerjain kayak gini. yaudah mndingan gua teriak aja.
Ternyata, di deket tempat gua sama kakak, anak2 komplek lain lagi pada kongkow di jembatan. mereka denger teriakan gua, terus ngedatengin..
"Ada apaan den?," tanya temen gua, Dika
"Wakakakak, lo teriak2 zombie!," kakak gua nyambung, "Yaudah, kita jadiin dia Zombie aja.."
"Eh, maksudnya," tanya temen gua, Dwi.
Gua terdiam, mereka kebingungan.. "Cekek deny sekarang!," perintah kakak gua, karena kakak gua termasuk pemimpin rombongan komplek (BFD) mereka langsung beraksi rusuh, nyergap gua dari depan!
Gua gak berdaya, gila aja kali! di kerubunin lebih dari 20 anak! yang sekarang gua anggap ZOMBIE! berusaha keluar dari kerumunan, gak bisa, gua cuma teriak2 gak jelas, "JANGAN NYEBAR VIRUS - T ITU KE GUA, GUA BUKAN ZOMBIE! ARRRRGGHHH!!"
Dan perjuangan gua (kira-kira 10 menit) dikerubunin zombie itu pun berhasil, gua gak terinfeksi.. ohohohoahaha~ gua lupa, mereka kan bukan zombie, karena itu hanya khayalan kakak gua yg dilebih-lebihkan.
Dini hari, kira-kira jam 1 pagi, udah tahun baru. Gua di kamar, galau sendiri. ngabisin jagung bakar yang ada di tangan kanan gua, hape di tangan kiri. Gua lagi telponan sama temen gua, Alya.
Kita ngobrol di telpon lama banget, kira2 1 jam lebih. gua yg telpon dia, karena gua masih janji mau nyeritain pengalaman gua tentang Butler dan Zombie. Hemm, kalo boleh jujur.. sebenernya gua seneng ngobrol di telpon bareng dia, orangnya sopan, simpel, mudah di ajak bercanda, nggak rusuh. walaupun bukan itu aja, sebenernya gua juga punya perasaaan suka sama dia.. Hey! Gua udah dapet 1 motivator baru! Hebaaaaat~!
Kita ngobrol soal Butler, terus soal Dragon Knight, cerita saat gua nebas pedang.. dan soal gua mikirin dia..
Langsung ke pokok permasalahan, pertama2 kita ngobrol di telpon, ngomongin hal itu..
"Eh, sebenernya saya mikirin anda Al.. saat saya mau tebas pedang itu.."
"Ow, saya terharu.. Bagus.."
"Eheh, berarti anda termasuk orang yg berarti dalam hidup saya loh"
"Bagus! Terima kasih, tapi kenapa?"
"Ya, sebenernya saya gak mau bilang apa alasannya"
"Bukan sebagai pemberi Advice?"
"Bukan! lebih dari itu, masa saya mikirin anda cuma gara-gara itu"
"Terus apa?"
"Saya gak mau bilang"
"Bilang aja"
"Anda memaksa?"
"Ya, mksd nya anda memaksa saya untuk mengatakannya?"
"Saya memaksa"
"Disana ramai? saya gak mau ada yg denger perkataan saya ini.."
"Tunggu.. 1,2,3,4.. 4 bangun, 2 tidur"
"Oh, berarti suara saya ntar terdengar dong?"
"Ya, memang! anda berbicara kepada saya terlalu bersemangat!"
"Haha, memang itu sifat asli saya, terlalu bersemangat"
"Yaudah, tulis lewat sms aja"
"Ehehe, ok deh. setelah saya ngobrol tentang semua yg saya alami di Lampung!"
Setelah itu kita ngobrol2, lalu bosan. Telponannya kita akhiri. Dan ini perbincangan kita lewat sms..
"Al, saya telpon murah! 1700 doang! Pulsa sisa banyak!"
"Kuso! kalo telpon bentar aja, mahal banget"
"Haha. Eh, soal yg tdi. masih mau ngomongin?"
"Ya, bilang aja"
"Anda memaksa?"
"Ya. Kenapa?"
"Tapi janji, anggap aja ini lelucon tahun baru! have fun, anggap gak penting. okay?"
"Saya janji, apa?"
"Saya mencintai anda, atau begitulah istilahnya.."
"...Dalam artian?"
"Yang pernah saya rasakan ke R**~ just like that~"
"Apa saya gak salah dengar?," ..................., "Den?"
--ZZzZZZZZZZzz-- perbincangan gak dilanjutkan, gua udah ngantuk dan gak sengaja ketiduran *LOL LOL LOL*
Recently, I have been wanting to buy a new journal. i cant remember where i put my last Def (my journal). However, I don't really know what I should write about. So I guess I will just start talking and see where that gets me.
Do you ever have those times where you see something so beautiful or so bizarre you just wish you had a camera to capture that moment? I have started to see almost everything like that, like a potential photograph. It drives me insane because I can't capture things how I see them or how I want them to be or I just don't have a camera on me.
I wish I could see myself in certain situations, like a third invisible yet omniscient person in the room. Like I could go back and watch things like a movie. Yeah, like a movie.
I just sat on my butt all day, every day. I think that I am getting sick. With who knows what. There's all this junk in my lungs and I can't just cough it the hell out.
People are starting to bother me again.
I just had dinner.
I am still really hungry.
I want someone to make me laugh right now.
I am going to go now.
@Morning - I'm Freak and I like it
Seperti biasa, gua bangun kesiangan. tapi karena ini hari libur jadi gak masalah, gak banyak pekerjaan yang gua lakuin. cuma bangun dari tempat tidur, cuci muka, mandi, sama bantuin nyokap nyupir (nyuci piring) = ="
Selesai ngelakuin itu semua. gua berangkat ke tujuan pertama gua. gua ngelakuin ini (saat liburan) setiap hari, saat gua berada di komplek. ya, satu2 nya tujuan nya adalah Internet Cafe dan lebih gampang disebut warnet.
Ahahahaha, nyelesain 90 menit waktu billing cuma buat liat2 blog orang dan update twitter, sama liat notif fb. tapi gua gak bosen-bosen, tiap hari gua ngelakuin hal yang sama, dan gak pernah sekalipun gua ngilangin niat untuk datang kesini lagi (warnet). yap, gua ini orang freak, yg menghabiskan sisa waktu billing warnet (tiap dateng) untuk hal2 yg gak pnting. tapi gua suka kok, dan gak pernah nyesel. = ="
@Afternoon - Crap!
(Ini dari blog nya dochi, ceritanya sama kayak yang gua alamin kemaren = 90% mirip)
maybe you've heard this one before because i believe i've said this too many times before
somedays are good days, somedays are bad days.
today is not a good day.
yesh. started with an ugly arguments with my friend and then everything else started to fall apart. you know, like the small things.. like how today was so darn hot, being uberly hungry with no food, and then now my air conditioner is (again) broken.
about my air conditioner.. i find it a bit weird.. so i just checked out the outdoor unit, it ir. i dont know whats up with that. so i thought, if i set the temperature to warmought to be blowing warm air right? well.. it's in fact cold and at the other hand the ac in my room is blowing warm a, let's say.. 23 degrees, will it be cool instead? let's just wait and see.
NOPE. nothing happened. gotta wait for the repair guy tomorrow.
@Evening - If You There
Baiklah, gua ngejalanin hari ini dengan rasa malas yang luar biasa, gua berusaha menghilangkannya dengan maen gameboy (gak berhasil), mixing (gak ada inspirasi), bikin fiction (bikin tambah bored). ayolah kawan! ini sudaj jam 5 sore! nanti malam kan malam tahun baru, kan udah banyak rencana nanti (tapi tetep aja) gak bisa ngilangin rasa males ini T_T
Guling2an di kasur, sekarang udah jam 5 lewat, masang headset dengerin lagu2. gak sadar pas gua lagi asik2nya dengerin lagu, pacar gua sms.. Hemm, pastinya gua seneng banget! gua buka isi sms nya, berharap itu sesuatu yang bagus.. halaaaah, ternyata pas gua baca sms nya, sesuatu yang bener2 bikin gua stress dan galau ke depannya. selama 2 hari, dia gak sms gua. udah berusaha gua telpon, tapi ada pesan2 gak jelas dari operator nya, ngisi pulsa tiap hari cuma buat hubungin dia (ya gak juga sih). gua gak pernah mengharapkan ini, tapi biarin lah. emang kalo mau nya dia, gua kan gak bisa maksa.
Orz. dia mutusin gua, jadi sekarang udah ada 3 cewek yang mutusin gua. dengan sadis, tanpa sebab yang jelas T_T
padahal kita pacarn juga belom lama, kurang dari seminggu! yang pasti perasaan gua kesel, gak tau lah.. sama aja kayak yg gua alamin 17 hari lalu.. saat pacar gua yg kedua mutusin gua. Orz Orz Orz, and now.. i have a down syndrome! dunno what the hell in this thing! i don't care!
Gua selesai baca sms nya, terus langsung gua reply, dengan rasa kesel yg luar biasa: "i prefer you hate me for what i am.. than to love me for what i am not!"
Selesai itu gua ngacungin jari tengah keatas, yang lainnya kebawah. janji gak akan suka sama orang itu lagi, di bulan ini gua udah disakitin 2 cewek. kalo gua bilang mereka itu B*TCH kayaknya terlalu kasar. Yaudahlah, lagian gua cuma ngelakuin ini:
Sambil bilang: F*CK YOU GIRLS!
@Night - Crap Again!
Gua lagi males2an di kamar, sambil dengerin lagu. Galau sendiri, tujuan gua, gua harus cari motivator baru buat ngisi kekosongan hati gua, apalah artinya pokoknya harus dapet! Gua gak mau kayak gini lama2, seperti gak ada harapan hidup.. Oh iya, mendingan gua mixing buat chiptune. kalo masalah motivator beberapa jam lagi mngkin akan gua pikirkan.
All right, sekarang gua udah ada di depan LSDJ sama Mixer, ngotak-ngatik, angka2 biru itu jadi sebuah nada, agak sulit awalnya. Tapi, eh tapi.. otak gua jadi penuh inspirasi, inget cewek itu.. ohohahaha~ saking kesenengannya, gua hampir aja jatuhin LSDJ berharga gua ke lantai. jangan sampe deh~ ntar bisa digebukin kakak lagi. Orz
@Midnight - I Hang Out With Zombie Without Being One Of Them
Ceritanya gua sama kakak gua lagi jalan2. kakak gua nemenin gua beli pulsa, letaknya lumayan jauh dari komplek. kita selesai ngisi pulsa, gua nyalain lagu PWG yang judulnya: "i hang out with zombie, without being one of them" gua lumayan suka lagu ini, dan kakak gua tau kalo lagu yg gua setel berhubungan dengan zombie. terus dia ngajak ngobrol soal Resident Evil (yg ada hubungannya dgn zombie)
"Den, itu lagu PWG?"
"Yap, yg judulnya zombie2 gitu"
"Oh oh, ntar malem main RE yok!"
"Hah? ngapain? bukannya anak2 komplek mau bakar2an? jagung sama ayam?"
"Oh iya, lupa gua.. hemm, bentar deh.. lo duluan aja," kakak gua berdiri diam di tempatnya, gua ninggalin dia. mungkin ada sesuatu yg mau dia lakuin..
Gua udah sampe di deket perbatasan komplek (dibatasi oleh sebuah selokan besar). Tiba2 ada yg nyekek gua dari belakang..
"Eeeeeeeeeeerrrrrghh..!," kesakitan gak bisa ngomong, gua berusaha berbalik, anjir! siapa yg ada di belakang!
"Gua Zombie..," suaranya nyeremin, tapi gua kenal. Dia nyekek gua kenceng banget
"Gua gigit lo!," anjir! di belakang, BENERAN ZOMBIE!? bukannya itu cuma ada di film2? I'll DIE!
"Errrgh," gua berusaha ngomong, tangan gua berusaha keras juga melepas cekikan seseorang yg gua anggap zombie, gua berhasil! melepas cekikannya.. membalikkan badan.. dan..
"Wakakakakak, sedikit lagi hampir jadi zombie lo den!," ternyata itu kakak gua, sial.. dia ngerjain gua lagi. pantesan aja tadi dia nyuruh ninggalin dia sendirian. ternyata mau ngerjain gua ya
"Anjir lo!, sialan!," terus gua teriak, "TOLONG! DISINI ADA ZOMBIE! NIH LIAT!," gua kesel banget, udah galau, di kerjain kayak gini. yaudah mndingan gua teriak aja.
Ternyata, di deket tempat gua sama kakak, anak2 komplek lain lagi pada kongkow di jembatan. mereka denger teriakan gua, terus ngedatengin..
"Ada apaan den?," tanya temen gua, Dika
"Wakakakak, lo teriak2 zombie!," kakak gua nyambung, "Yaudah, kita jadiin dia Zombie aja.."
"Eh, maksudnya," tanya temen gua, Dwi.
Gua terdiam, mereka kebingungan.. "Cekek deny sekarang!," perintah kakak gua, karena kakak gua termasuk pemimpin rombongan komplek (BFD) mereka langsung beraksi rusuh, nyergap gua dari depan!
Gua gak berdaya, gila aja kali! di kerubunin lebih dari 20 anak! yang sekarang gua anggap ZOMBIE! berusaha keluar dari kerumunan, gak bisa, gua cuma teriak2 gak jelas, "JANGAN NYEBAR VIRUS - T ITU KE GUA, GUA BUKAN ZOMBIE! ARRRRGGHHH!!"
Dan perjuangan gua (kira-kira 10 menit) dikerubunin zombie itu pun berhasil, gua gak terinfeksi.. ohohohoahaha~ gua lupa, mereka kan bukan zombie, karena itu hanya khayalan kakak gua yg dilebih-lebihkan.
@Early Morning - New Year, Without Girlfriend, With New Love
Dini hari, kira-kira jam 1 pagi, udah tahun baru. Gua di kamar, galau sendiri. ngabisin jagung bakar yang ada di tangan kanan gua, hape di tangan kiri. Gua lagi telponan sama temen gua, Alya.
Kita ngobrol di telpon lama banget, kira2 1 jam lebih. gua yg telpon dia, karena gua masih janji mau nyeritain pengalaman gua tentang Butler dan Zombie. Hemm, kalo boleh jujur.. sebenernya gua seneng ngobrol di telpon bareng dia, orangnya sopan, simpel, mudah di ajak bercanda, nggak rusuh. walaupun bukan itu aja, sebenernya gua juga punya perasaaan suka sama dia.. Hey! Gua udah dapet 1 motivator baru! Hebaaaaat~!
Kita ngobrol soal Butler, terus soal Dragon Knight, cerita saat gua nebas pedang.. dan soal gua mikirin dia..
Langsung ke pokok permasalahan, pertama2 kita ngobrol di telpon, ngomongin hal itu..
"Eh, sebenernya saya mikirin anda Al.. saat saya mau tebas pedang itu.."
"Ow, saya terharu.. Bagus.."
"Eheh, berarti anda termasuk orang yg berarti dalam hidup saya loh"
"Bagus! Terima kasih, tapi kenapa?"
"Ya, sebenernya saya gak mau bilang apa alasannya"
"Bukan sebagai pemberi Advice?"
"Bukan! lebih dari itu, masa saya mikirin anda cuma gara-gara itu"
"Terus apa?"
"Saya gak mau bilang"
"Bilang aja"
"Anda memaksa?"
"Ya, mksd nya anda memaksa saya untuk mengatakannya?"
"Saya memaksa"
"Disana ramai? saya gak mau ada yg denger perkataan saya ini.."
"Tunggu.. 1,2,3,4.. 4 bangun, 2 tidur"
"Oh, berarti suara saya ntar terdengar dong?"
"Ya, memang! anda berbicara kepada saya terlalu bersemangat!"
"Haha, memang itu sifat asli saya, terlalu bersemangat"
"Yaudah, tulis lewat sms aja"
"Ehehe, ok deh. setelah saya ngobrol tentang semua yg saya alami di Lampung!"
Setelah itu kita ngobrol2, lalu bosan. Telponannya kita akhiri. Dan ini perbincangan kita lewat sms..
"Al, saya telpon murah! 1700 doang! Pulsa sisa banyak!"
"Kuso! kalo telpon bentar aja, mahal banget"
"Haha. Eh, soal yg tdi. masih mau ngomongin?"
"Ya, bilang aja"
"Anda memaksa?"
"Ya. Kenapa?"
"Tapi janji, anggap aja ini lelucon tahun baru! have fun, anggap gak penting. okay?"
"Saya janji, apa?"
"Saya mencintai anda, atau begitulah istilahnya.."
"...Dalam artian?"
"Yang pernah saya rasakan ke R**~ just like that~"
"Apa saya gak salah dengar?," ..................., "Den?"
--ZZzZZZZZZZzz-- perbincangan gak dilanjutkan, gua udah ngantuk dan gak sengaja ketiduran *LOL LOL LOL*
After Words - Some People Forget to Remember While Others Remember to Forget
Recently, I have been wanting to buy a new journal. i cant remember where i put my last Def (my journal). However, I don't really know what I should write about. So I guess I will just start talking and see where that gets me.
Do you ever have those times where you see something so beautiful or so bizarre you just wish you had a camera to capture that moment? I have started to see almost everything like that, like a potential photograph. It drives me insane because I can't capture things how I see them or how I want them to be or I just don't have a camera on me.
I wish I could see myself in certain situations, like a third invisible yet omniscient person in the room. Like I could go back and watch things like a movie. Yeah, like a movie.
I just sat on my butt all day, every day. I think that I am getting sick. With who knows what. There's all this junk in my lungs and I can't just cough it the hell out.
People are starting to bother me again.
I just had dinner.
I am still really hungry.
I want someone to make me laugh right now.
I am going to go now.
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- Awesome Things #447: Figuring Out How We Got on th...
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- Awesome Things #9: Preposterous Plight Of The Purp...
- Awesome Things #125: Rapping With 2 Nerds, One Gee...
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- Awesome Things #89: Just Go Anywhere You Can
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- When Your Face Skin Falling Apart
- Remember When I Said, "I Love You." Well.. Forget ...
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- Awesome Things #112: When Your Pet Notices You’re ...
- Pee Wee Gaskins - Sebuah Rahasia
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- Awesome Things #50: Watching a Movie and Not Watch...
- Daytime Drama
- Awesome Things #89: Just Go Anywhere You Can
- Awesome Things #270: Without The Fairy Tale
- Awesome Things #64: I Need An Aspirin
- Awesome Things #125: Rapping With 2 Nerds, One Gee...
- Awesome Things #9: Preposterous Plight Of The Purp...
- Me and My Foe (Kidding) ^^
- Awesome Things #27: Laughing So Hard You Start Cry...
- Awesome Things #447: Figuring Out How We Got on th...
- Awesome Things #100: Looking at the clock and seei...
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- Stories From Our High School Years
- About Girls, About GirlFriend ^^
- I Don't Care If You Want to Read It or Not
Meaningless article, but useful in the future
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About Me

- Deny Saputra
- A player of world, nerd, disguiser, and a scholar of SMAN 12 Jakarta. For further information: